[Scons-users] 'MSVS' Environment variable contents

Dirk Bächle tshortik at gmx.de
Fri Feb 13 17:06:24 EST 2015

On 13.02.2015 04:24, Andrew C. Morrow wrote:
> [...]
> Unfortunately, not really. I actually need to know the path because I want to access a file (that is neither a library nor a header)
> that is bundled with the SDK. I simply want to copy that file somewhere else, but I'd prefer to just re-use the detection that SCons
> performs to locate the SDK. The PLATFORMSDKDIR would have been perfect, but it seems it is not really an option.

Have another look at "sdk.py" in Tool.MSCommon. The method get_default_sdk() should return the version/ID for the default SDK, and 
you could use that as key into Tool.MSCommon.InstalledSDKMap ... or pick some of the other provided methods/dicts.


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