[IGDA_indies] Linux on consoles

Brandon J. Van Every vanevery at indiegamedesign.com
Tue Aug 31 19:09:11 EDT 2004

> Sony Playstation 2 has a legal Linux Kit sold by them, not sure how
feasible it is for gaming, but its there.

Yes, but that's to develop *Sony* SDK stuff with, right?  You can't just
drop Linux into a PS2, ignore Sony entirely, and be on your way.  I
don't want to deal with the differences between Sony, XBox, and
Nintendo.  I would just ideally like an OS that invades all of 'em, sets
up exactly the same APIs, and "It Just Works [TM]."

> > If Linux could run seamlessly under Windows, that could work, but
> > not aware of such a capability.
> Have you looked at Cygwin


> and/or CoLinux? Or Fink for the MacOSX version...

No, these I'm not up on.

Cheers,                     www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every           Seattle, WA

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