[kj] No Way Out But Forward Go‏

Wessidetempest wessidetempest at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 22 15:23:25 EST 2012

If I remember correctly it was marketed as a "deluxe" edition.
I think the CDROM video version was done by Colesy and is no different then the DVD. Yes I have both but am not near it.

On Feb 22, 2012, at 3:06 PM, samuel rowe <samueldavidrowe at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi

> Sorry if I've sent this twice, I sent one to gathering-request, I don't know if that's the right one...

> I know the 2001 release of this cd comes with a CDROM of the gig, but I read that the 2006 release comes with a DVD. I was going to buy the 2006 release off ebay, but when looking at the images for it there is no mention of a second disc (on the 2001 release it says 2nd disc contains videos of the performance) let alone a DVD.

> Does it definitely come with a DVD, or is it just an audio CD?

> I'm only buying it for the video disc really, same reason I bought requiem

> Thanks

> Samuel

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