[kj] "Absolute Dissent": The Loudness Wars

folk devil folk.devil at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 27 19:06:06 EDT 2010

have been for the past 20 years ;)
it's got better over the years, but I always have to have something analogue in there.
kids are clueless with mixing boards these days

CC: gathering at misera.net
From: rob.moss at gmx.com
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 23:42:15 +0100
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] "Absolute Dissent": The Loudness Wars

These days you can record in your bedroom with a cheap pc and a few mikes.

Digital era recording of analogue bands suffers. AD is not perfect but it hits the mark. In analogue days I think you would shit your pants!

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