[kj] ot- palin vote

James Osborne josborn5 at kent.edu
Thu Oct 9 00:12:44 EDT 2008

If by pulling out of Iraq as soon as possible you mean leaving behind
thousands of troops and private contractors, sure.

If by negotiating with Iran you mean tough economic sanctions to starve the
people (like Iraq in the 90s) before a military invasion takes place, sure.

Watch Obama's speech to AIPAC. Youtube it. Full 30min speech on there.
Doesn't he sound like someone familiar?

BTW, do you think Obama's support from Lockheed Martin comes free?

> That's hardly fair. Obama, specifically, is talking about negotiating with

> Iran and pulling out of Iraq as soon as possible. McCain is talking about

> staying there and "winning," obliterating North Korea, and hasn't been

> nearly as open as Obama in regards discussions, let alone negotiations,

> with Iran

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