[kj] off topic - FR. PERDURABO
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Thu Oct 18 17:39:30 EDT 2007
He's a genius, you're a heretic, and I'm not listening anymore! ;)
If you read his books, he mixed a lot of political and current events
commentary into the mix, along with all the science, religion etc. I
suppose he just talked about what was on his mind at the time, to me the
OJ trial was massively important, when viewed as a social barometer. If
you can try to imagine it happening in the 50s or 60s for example...I
don't pretend to understand American culture or politics and I don't know
if I ever really will, but it certainly marked either a turning point, or
the public consciousness that a corner had been turned. Black man
blatantly obviously kills his blonde white wife (and whoever that other
bloke was :), flees the scene wiith blood on his hands, and gets away with
it for whatever reason. Inconceivable up until that point.
But perhaps RAW comes across better in print ;)
I've got Maybe Logic, the doco about him, and I personally find him quite
watchable in 'person.' One of the things I like most about him is how he
debunks the special mystical status of practically anyone who sets
themselves up as a religious / spiritual superior...most of them I find
wafty, absolute, closed minded and dogmatic. Like 'Osho'...re-hashing old
wisdom as though it's his own (although he's quite funny at times).
> One of the most disappointing experiences I've had was seeing Robert
> Anton Wilson give a talk, live, in Dallas, 1994 (I think), courtesy of
> the Church of the Subgenius. Paid good money to see him talk, and what
> did he talk about? Well, remember how the OJ trial was going on and
> everyone was on the edge of their seats watching it day and night?
> That's what he talked about. The OJ trial. And not in some esoteric,
> mind-blowing way, but in a pretty standard, CNN commentary way.
> He did begin the talk by saying he thought he was a Discordian and also
> with a "Hail Eris!" They brought out a couch for him to sit on, which he
> did. It was odd and awkward. I didn't get the feeling the OJ talk was
> some Discordian mindfuck, either. He just seemed to be really interested
> in it.
> -Oliver
> folk devil wrote:
>> He also described himself as a Libertarian, in later life.
>> ________________________________
>> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:21:31 +0100
>> From: powens at gmail.com
>> To: gathering at misera.net
>> Subject: Re: [kj] off topic - FR. PERDURABO
>> I don't think it's quite right to say that RAW was a "follower of
>> Thelema". He described himself as a "model agnostic" and Thelema was
>> just one of the many schools/tools that he used to express/explain his
>> ideas. If you have to categorise him then Discordian would do but
>> "follower of Thelema" misses the mark by quite a way.
>> John-Paul
>> On 18/10/2007, Blazingstar418 <blazingstar418 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Oh, I knew what you meant, and I wholeheartedly agree with you.
>> I just figured that there were some folks on the list that didn't know
>> about the "black magical" side of Hubbard.
>> He's been stealing money from important people for a loooooong time.
>> Usually any time Crowley gets brought up on this list it's the usual
>> "did he *really* eat babies and drink cat's blood?" nonsense, and I
>> figured that we could use that bit of vilification aimed elsewhere for a
>> change. ;)
>> A L P
>> Brendan Quinn <bq at soundgardener.co.nz> wrote:
>> My point is that Hubbard was a total piece of shit and Bob Wilson was a
>> fucking genius, I'm aware that Hubbard was into Crowley.
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