[kj] FW: Re: Funny KJ tracks?
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Tue Jul 31 20:03:15 EDT 2007
Every single one of us is descended from thousands of generations of
people (and before we were "people") who all had to fight tooth and nail
to survive and reproduce, and every single one of them did. All of our
ancestors fought successfully for their own survival and the survival of
their offspring, often to the death, out-competed their rivals for mates,
and mated. (And eventually karked it, but that's life...)
It's only been in the last few thousand years that we've needed more
advanced skills, we're still hard-wired to respond to stress with terminal
physical aggression, or olympic-record winning sprints in the other
direction. It was totally necessary to get us to where we are now.
Sabre-toothed tigers can't be put on hold or told to leave a voicemail.
And you can't really rip out your bank managers throat with your teeth, or
anyone who disagrees with you philosophically or economically etc. Well,
you can, perhaps, but only once ;)
The diplomatic approach doesn't really come naturally, in my opinion, you
need to overcome your internal Conan the Barbarian instincts first...
> <html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>
> <P><BR><BR></P>I disagree w/parts of Jaz's doomsday quotes. I don't think
> man needs war in some instinctual or genetic way--it's capitalism that
> needs war. If certain countries don't destroy others through war, their
> corporations will not be able to stay on top. THe economic laws of
> capitalism require each capitalist (or group of them) to make MORE profits
> than others, in order to get a greater market share than their
> competitors. THis is the main cause of all modern wars--all the other
> stuff like religion, nationalism, revenge, territory--are just expressions
> of what the capitalists need. Cases in point: in Iraq the biggest
> negotiating topic between Iraqi groups and America is over control of oil;
> in WWII the Europeans were fighting over colonies in Africa, Asia, etc.
> and the war served to boost capitalism by destroying production (mostly in
> Europe & Japan, currently the world's stongest economies?) so they
> could increase profits by rebuilding.</DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> #a0c6e5 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px;
> FONT-FAMILY: tahoma,sans-serif">
> <HR color=#a0c6e5 SIZE=1>
> <DIV></DIV>From: <I>"B. Oliver Sheppard"
> <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net></I><BR>Reply-To: <I>"A list
> about all things Killing Joke (the
> band!)"<gathering at misera.net></I><BR>To: <I>"A list about
> all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
> <gathering at misera.net></I><BR>Subject: <I>Re: [kj] FW:
> Re: Funny KJ tracks?</I><BR>Date: <I>Tue, 31 Jul 2007 13:42:53
> -0500</I><BR>>Actually, I just found it sort of ironic that we're
> discussing wacky <BR>>KJ moments, or the lack of them, when I was
> re-reading these old Jaz <BR>>interviews and he's basically discussing
> a global holocaust as <BR>>desirable or at least
> unavoidable/"necessary." That kind of gloomy, <BR>>nihilistic worldview
> contrasted with "funny moments in Killing <BR>>Joke!" just strikes me
> as itself sort of funny. Meh, maybe I'm not <BR>>explaining this
> right. Also, Jaz cracks me up sometimes when he <BR>>talks about how he
> has his church with a huge congregation,
> etc.<BR>><BR>>-Oliver<BR>><BR>><BR>>melinda grant
> wrote:<BR>>><BR>>>i agree with this quote of jazes below(i
> know,laugh,but i do!) <BR>>>sounds pritty sensible when you think
> about <BR>>>it...........................
> ;-) oliver,how is this below <BR>>>quote funny? its
> bloody true of the future,anyway ;-/<BR>>><BR>>>>From: "B.
> Oliver Sheppard"
> <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net><BR>>>>Reply-To: "A list about
> all things Killing Joke (the
> <BR>>>>band!)"<gathering at misera.net><BR>>>>To: "A
> list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
> <BR>>>><gathering at misera.net><BR>>>>Subject: Re:
> [kj] Funny KJ tracks?<BR>>>>Date:
> Tue, 31 Jul 2007 13:16:55 -<BR>>>><BR>>>>What about
> interview w/
> Jaz?<BR>>>><BR>>>>quotes: jaz<BR>>>><BR>>>><BR>>>><BR>>>><BR>>>>"Look,
> the ending when it comes won't be through a nuclear war or
> <BR>>>>atomic bombs or any of that shit. It'll be natural
> disasters like <BR>>>>earthquakes and floods. It's just the
> earth's way of cleaning <BR>>>>itself and getting rid of the
> natural waste. It's like everything <BR>>>>- life, rock and roll
> and the world: it all goes in circles and <BR>>>>when the time
> comes the world will get rid of all the crap and <BR>>>>those who
> survive will start a new civilisation, much better than
> <BR>>>>the last one." - Jaz Coleman,
> <BR>>>>http://www.anirrationaldomain.net/articles/1979-1982/nme0581.h<BR>>>><BR>>>>-Oliver<BR>>>>*...................................................................................<BR>>>><BR>>><BR>>>actually
> i agree with jaz on that one-- saying it
> again ;-D)))<BR>>><BR>>>melinda<BR>>>>_______________________________________________<BR>>>>Gathering
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