[kj] OT: in Defense of PHANTASMAGORIA by the Damned
Thomas Kennedy
tkennedy1999 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 21 10:47:38 EST 2007
totally agree Alex!..... The Brian James Gang (w/Dave Tregunna) are supposed to tour the states soon....
Alex Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:
Just a few words in defense of PHANTASMAGORIA. I was shocked as everyone else at said album's comparatively gloppy overproduction. Despite the funereal trappings, it owed more to the likes of Meat Loaf and Bonnie Tyler than it did to any Goth making the `rounds at the time (by comparison, the Sisters of Mercy sound like the Ramones). That said, there were still some fine moments of pure pop on it (notably "Street of Dreams" and "Grimly Fiendish", although "Is It A Dream?" is just crap across the board). I'm also a big fan of the non-album single "Eloise," another hoarily windswept and overproduced gem. Was in Punk? Not especially, but who cares?
As a college freshman in 1985 out in the bowels of Ohio, I remember packing into a crowded station wagon to drive across scary, backwoods-ass Midwestern pigfuck country to Kentucky to catch the Damned on the PHANTASMAGORIA tour (which, for some reason, bypassed the nearest city to our school, Columbus). As over-the-top as their image and aesthetic had become (Hammer horror films, candelabras, graveyard shtick), they were as full-on live as can be imagined (and yes -- quite definably PUNK in every semblance of the term).
I've grown to quite like the PHANTASMAGORIA album as a result. There are some great moments on ANYTHING as well (notably their cover of "Alone Again Or" and the title track, which is essentialy a wafer-thin-re-write of Iggy Pops "Five Foot One"). I saw them again with Brian James et al. on the tour that resulted in the FINAL DAMNATION tour (`90 or so?) at the New Ritz, and they were endearingly shambollic. The last time I saw them was in the mid-90's at since-shuttered Coney Island High. I don't believe Rat was in attendance, but Dave was there in all his ridiculous glory. It was fun to see them, but it wasn't really "the Damned" as I'd grown to love.
I haven't picked up a new album/single of theirs since I can't remember when, honestly. But I listened to a clutch of Damned tracks on my walk to work this morning, and the mere fact that their catalog stretches from the stripped-down velocity of "Fish" and "Neat Neat Neat" through to the ersatz psychedelia of the Naz Nomad stuff and onto their vanglorious opuses (opi?) like the afore-mentioned "Eloise" is a testament to their versatility.
Alex in NYC
-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Porthouse
>Sent: Feb 21, 2007 4:02 AM
>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
>Subject: Re: [kj] Clip of US punk documentary/riots
>Had the pleasure of seeing the current Damned line-up a couple of times last
>year (Vanian, Sensible, Stu, Pinch and Monty) and I have to say they're in
>good form. Best I've seen them since the re-union shows in about 88 or 89.
>Vanian and Sensible have a massive stage presence and they're now playing
>with good musicians. Always a good night out. Some good new songs and a back
>catalogue of classics. The only thing for me, which keeps them from being
>right up there with the best is their lyrics, which have never been anything
>to get excited about.
>BTW the recent MGE DVD release is very good for any Damned fans who don't
>already own it.
>Mike Porthouse
>----- Original Message -----
>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
>Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 9:32 PM
>Subject: Re: [kj] Clip of US punk documentary/riots
>> This was last July, and yes it WAS interesting to say the least! Fucking
>> great, even if Casey Chaos's voice was shot.
>> They came VERY close to doing it with Dave and Cap, but that's another
>> story. It is a shame though... 30 years comes round once.
>> There was talk of doing a few more dates, but nothing more than that. You
>> never know though!
>> A couple of pics from the gig :
>> http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y239/GinGoblin/100ClubJuly6th20068.jpg
>> http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y239/GinGoblin/100ClubJuly6th20067.jpg
>> Dave
>> At 13:34 20/02/2007 -0500, you wrote:
>>>So the Brian James Gang thing made me curious again. Don't own the
>>>but it sounds promising even the simplistic, idiotic lyrics. Vocals are
>>>fine. So I stumble across their (always dreaded) myspace page:
>>>and what do I see...
>>>Brian James-Guitar,
>>>Rat Scabies-Drums
>>>Casey Chaos-Voice
>>>This could be interesting. Shame they couldn't do it with Captain and Rat
>>>Anyone have anymore details??? IS there a snowballs chance in hell thisis
>>>coming to the US? I would actually go see this
>>> >From: "TB"
>>> >Reply-To: TB
,"A list about all things
>>> >Killing
>>> >Joke (the band!)"
>>> >To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
>>> >
>>> >Subject: Re: [kj] Clip of US punk documentary/riots
>>> >Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 09:10:33 -0800
>>> >
>>> >"Rob's Arse" wrote:
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > Grave disorder really was a return to form but Not of this Earth was
>>> > > terrible!
>>> > >
>>> > > I remember seeing them at the time with Scabies on drums, Vanian on
>>> > > Vocals, Moose from NMA on bass with Kris Dollimore (Mr Session
>>> > > guitar)
>>> >and
>>> > > Vanian's Grandad (wearing a LEATHER WASTECOAT).
>>> > > I left that gig totally heartbroken. They were shitter than shit.
>>> > >
>>> > > As an aside, we played wit teh Brian James Gang the other week and I
>>> >have
>>> > > to say that Brian James is a lovely bloke. Shame there were only 25
>>> >people
>>> > > at the gig!
>>> >
>>> >Did Brian have Dave Tregunna with him on bass? Any Lords tunes played?
>>> >More
>>> >details, man!
>>> >
>>> >T.B.
>>> >
>>> >
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