[kj] OT... World Destruction

Crack b.s.crack at generalmail.de
Wed Dec 6 14:18:09 EST 2006

Well for a start I havent mentioned Communist Countries invasions
of other countries . I am solely talking about how the Chinese
Government treated its own citizens, how the Soviet Gov Treated its
own citizens , ditto Cambodia , N. Korea etc etc .
The subject matter is : How communist Governments treats its OWN citizens.
Also, The huge amount of deaths to people under Communism were
because the people opposed the Communist regime(s). The deaths is
Rwanda were NOT due to people opposing any political system . The
deaths in Rwanda were due to rival factions/tribes fighting each
other. The deaths in Rwanda were NOT due to the people opposing
Capitalism . Whilst the deaths under Communism WERE due to people
opposing the communist regime . That is the difference

Quoting "B. Oliver Sheppard" <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>:

> No, it's relevant because you were claiming communism had its hands

> involved in all these mass murders and genocides; someone responded that

> capitalist nations were involved in things like Rwanda, etc. Then

> someone said capitalism had nothing to do with Rwanda. Well, France,

> Belgium, and the colonialism of Africa had a lot to do w/ Africa. If

> North Korea and Cuba had been involved in rwanda the way France and

> Belgium were, you'd say that was also "communism's fault," but since

> it's more familiar Western countries, you give them lots more latitutde,

> or at least don't say it's "because of capitalism." In other words, you

> still have double standards and are selectively defining what "cmmunist"

> is to suit your agenda, which is basically to just red bash.


> -Oliver



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