[kj] OT... World Destruction

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 5 19:16:07 EST 2006

No, it's relevant because you were claiming communism had its hands
involved in all these mass murders and genocides; someone responded that
capitalist nations were involved in things like Rwanda, etc. Then
someone said capitalism had nothing to do with Rwanda. Well, France,
Belgium, and the colonialism of Africa had a lot to do w/ Africa. If
North Korea and Cuba had been involved in rwanda the way France and
Belgium were, you'd say that was also "communism's fault," but since
it's more familiar Western countries, you give them lots more latitutde,
or at least don't say it's "because of capitalism." In other words, you
still have double standards and are selectively defining what "cmmunist"
is to suit your agenda, which is basically to just red bash.


Crack wrote:

> Just to clarify :

> We were discussing how the general population are treated under

> communist rule. What its like to live under communism . We are taking

> about how Communists treats its inhabitants. Then you deviate from

> that and suggest that Tutsis killing Hutus is how capitalist countries

> treats its inhabitants.

> Whats happening in Rwanda is completely irrelevant to the

> discussion, we are discussing the hardships of living under Communism

> , NOT the foreign policy of either Capitalists or Communists .

> You are just trying to deviate from the subject matter .




> Quoting "B. Oliver Sheppard" <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>:



>> The original point I was making (against Crack, specifically) is that he

>> is eager to blame self-styled communist nations when their hands are

>> muddied in these sorts of waters, like the kind of colonial monkeyfuck

>> that Rwanad presents. Evil redounds absolutely to the entity

>> "communism." For example, if instead of Belgium and France in the

>> Rwandan scenario, it had been North Korea and Cuba, you can Crack -- and

>> the tons of folks of his ilk in the USA and elsewhere -- would be eager

>> to attribute it all to communist involvement.


>> But when it's a capitalist or Western country, suddenly there's lots

>> more latitude given. The standards for proof, demands for evidence are

>> way, way higher, almost Olympian. "Well, capitalism didn't cause this,

>> this was an aberration from an otherwise fine system," etc.




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