[kj] On topic- sorry to intrude

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 21 01:58:55 EST 2005

Mom and Pop type stores usually charge reasonably for
CDs. The chains really mark them up, that is true.
What i really love about your email is that you blast
me for living in the past, then go on to champion
vinyl as the preffered format. If CDs are the middle
ages, then you sir are stuck in the Jurassic period.
Walk the dinosaur.


--- Mikael Byström <mikael.bystrom at punkass.com> wrote:

> Leigh Newton said:
> >why don't you just plunk down a few bucks for the
> cd,
> >yah cheap bastard.
> Another one claims we're living in the middle ages.
> Ah, well.
> I'll go hunting myself for online purchasing of the
> 21th century KJ
> releases. Then, unlike some other individuals, I'll
> share the findings,
> if any, with the list.
> And a few bucks? Where do you purchase your CDs for
> a few bucks? CDs are
> well 100% overpriced. I could pay typical CD-prices
> for getting a CD on a
> gig though, but that's a convenience thing.
> Now, if we're talking vinyl, that something else. I
> can spend on vinyl,
> but I'm not sure I'd prefer KJ in that format
> though.
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