[kj] democracy remaster

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 21 14:32:19 EDT 2005

If you want to talk about filler, then look no further
than Democracy. Cuz it's RIFE with it. Lanterns,
Pilgrimage, Absent Friends, Another Bloody Election.
The only real standouts are Savage Freedom (one of
their best songs period, actually), Aeon, Democracy,
Intellect and Medicine Wheel. And even those really
great songs can never truly be enjoyed because they
get screwed over by the mix. Same kind of thing as And
Justice For All by Metallica. YOu can't truly enjoy
any of the songs on it because of the horrible
production. KJ2003 is a much more powerful album, and
i think that Blood On Your Hands and Seeing Red hold
up with some of the best KJ tracks and Total Invasion,
Implant, Asteroid, Loose Cannon (fuck you guys, i love
it), and House That Pain Built are strong contenders.
Aaaaaaaand....i dig the lizard voice too!


--- Peter Moltesen <moltesen at freenetname.co.uk> wrote:

> "Alexander Smith" said
> > Are you suggesting, oh ye of troubled mind, that
> KJ2003 is inferior to
> personally I wouldn't say that - half of KJ 2003
> (mainly the first half) is
> fantastic, prime KJ, but lets face it it runs out of
> steam a bit after Blood
> on your hands - there is a fair amount of filler on
> there too - You'll never
> get to me, Loose Cannon, Dark Forces...............I
> know its all a matter
> of personal taste but for my money theres little
> wrong with most of the
> actual songs on Democracy - the odd dodgy lyric
> perhaps, but Geordie's
> massed guitars (including acoustic) more than
> compensates for that.
> Peter
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