[kj] OT: R.Kelly Likens Self to Bin Laden
Tue, 16 Sep 2003 15:08:08 -0700 (PDT)
HOW MANY people follow these laws of consent out of an actual
sense of morality?
You talk to people long enough on that, and it seems ultimately
more about being obedient to the laws in place (and not getting
busted)and showing that you're not 'immoral' because you follow
the laws(irrelevant!). I'm SURE if the US age of consent was 15
since, say, 1919-20, in general no men OR women would object.
(though, as now,there would always be a question of whether there's
ever enough maturity to wisely get into sex at that-15-18-21-??- age].
We(the nation) would somehow have rationalized 15 to be suffic-
iently mature, just as we've done for 18.
[mormons, anyone? Bring'em Young,U]
There's laws against adultery, and having to sleep with your boss,
or seeing your friend doing blow and not reporting it. But because
we've rationalized that those things aren't criminal, no one gets
busted anymore for those.
Now, that texan father would still draw his gun(yay!) b/c his
daughter still got used, then kick her ass for consenting to sex
with that 22-year-old married military man in Her Majesty's
Forces, but not because she was raped. (Because he's 22? married?
military? a man? British?)
Because he'd have rationalized(the country too)long ago that 15
wouldn't be considered rape.
Something similar happens nowadays with prostitution being legal
outside of Las Vegas. If a 'john' doesn't pay, he's accused of
robbery, but not for solicitation, or the girl for prostitution,
or the madam for "madaming", or the guy who spritzes the girls
down B4 each gig for complicity or similar. Because their 'take'
on it is that those activities, given an appropriate context and
(though grudging) acceptance, are not illegal.
So what defines a person being competent for sex?
Age? we Gotta do better than that.
PP.SS. (looking for a woman's perspective)
As opposed to the phrase, "she WAS raped"**,
does the phrase "she GOT raped" somehow feel like it's
implying the woman had somehow 'caused' her being victimized?
--- Amy Moseley <amyr@jump.net> wrote:
> Quoting Jester <webmaster@killing-joke.com>:
> > > In the US it's 18.
> >
> > No it is not. It varies from state to state. Here in Texas, the age of
> > consent is 17 for both males and females, and affirmative defense is 14.
> You're correct, and in Texas we can also execute 17-year-olds, but
> they can't vote. Affirmative defense is a laugh. Again, the over-18-
> year-old oughtta know better. Lowering the age for "sexually active"
> individuals is like saying rape isn't rape if the girl was slutty.
> Let's put it this way: if a 15-year-old Texas girl went to the UK
> on a school trip, and got shagged by a 22-year-old married military
> man, you *know* many Texans would feel her father justified in
> taking a shotgun over there! It's not about just being a prude:
> it's about disease and pregnancy. What if said 15-year-old had
> gotten pregnant? Would've been pretty hard to marry her given
> he was already married!
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