[kj] OT: Goth

Amy Moseley Rupp gathering@misera.net
Fri, 19 Dec 2003 16:00:05 -0600 (CST)

> So, given what passes for "goth" and what passes for
> "punk" among today's kids, in 10-20 years the meaning
> of those words will be as diluted as the meaning of
> "freedom" is today.

Actually I was watching ITV (UK) news the other night
and it said the government had released a report that
says this generation of British teens is the first
to be likely to NOT outlive their parents due to
being overweight, underexercised, drinking, drugging,
and having sex with zillions of partners before they
hit 16.  And beyond.

It was actually based on sound evidence such as rates
of different illnesses, amounts of drug use and drinking,

I think that one of the *ONLY* benefits of the Bible-slinging
"Just Say No" conservatives was that parents of that ilk,
even if they'd been free-lovin' free-druggin' hippies, cracked
down on their kids, and in general, heavy drug use and multiple
partner sex is not as accepted here as it is in the UK.  Please
note I'm not down on a spliff and a shag -- just -- moderation,
don't kill yourself before you're 18 kind of thing.

The kind of crap we have now produced *here* is kids who believe
that they are truly above all rules not because they are *kids*,
but because they personally are better than anyone else on the
planet and deserve to have everything in life handed to them
for free forever and not do a lick of work or show a thimbleful
of kindness to their fellow human beings.

In trying to explain some of this to my daughter, she sighed
wistfully and said, wouldn't it be nice if everyone had zillions
of dollars and didn't have to work?  and I said, well, if
that were true, those zillions would be useless, cos who would
make stuff to buy?  who'd work in restaurants?  in other words,
how the hell would anyone *enjoy* a zillion dollars if no one

I think the answer kids are thinking of now is "old people (anyone
over 25) and poor people will work and we'll spend all the money."
Just wait until *they're* old (over 25) and poor.