[Scons-users] License of code posted on SCons GitHub wiki

Kaelin Laundry kaelinl at cs.washington.edu
Sat Jan 15 01:48:45 EST 2022

Thanks Bill!

That makes sense and I appreciate the thoughts. Given the context, I’m pretty comfortable drawing from the wiki for this.

Our command lines are a bit over the 8192 limit; I think it was 8300 or so. This is specific to our test configuration when linking a binary including the app and its test suites. The object files are nested a level or two deep, making the file path strings a bit long.

A teammate of mine came across this docs page (https://scons.org/doc/3.0.4/HTML/scons-api/SCons.Platform.TempFileMunge-class.html) which seems to suggest an alternative by redirecting the parameters to a temp file and then having the tool pull its args from the file. We haven’t gotten to testing this yet but if it works with gcc (coordinating the linker) it would be preferable over the hack previously discussed.

Thanks again,

From: Bill Deegan<mailto:bill at baddogconsulting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 13:37
To: SCons users mailing list<mailto:scons-users at scons.org>
Subject: Re: [Scons-users] License of code posted on SCons GitHub wiki


Good question. (and never been asked before).
If not otherwise noted, it should be reasonably safe to assume the license of code is "free to use" and/or MIT.
That code in particular has been used by many open source and commercial products.

Sadly the original wiki is long gone, but predates 2007.

That said, how long are you command lines?
There are other simpler ways to handle this depending on what tool you're running with the long command line..

Hope this helps,
SCons Project Co-Manager

On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 4:43 PM Kaelin Laundry <kaelinl at cs.washington.edu<mailto:kaelinl at cs.washington.edu>> wrote:

This wiki page has multiple code blocks on it proposing ways to work around an issue on Windows hosts: https://github.com/SCons/scons/wiki/LongCmdLinesOnWin32

I am having this problem in one of my projects and the posted code (latter block) plus some cleanup works for me. I’d like to heavily modify it and then adopt it in my project.

However, I don’t see a stated license on the wiki and it isn’t clear that the general project license (MIT) has been established as applying to the wiki.

Is there an agreed-upon license for this wiki content (specifically, code)? It seems to have been contributed to the wiki in whatever form it existed pre-2014, so I’m not sure in what context it was originally provided.

Do I need to manually contact those who are listed as authors to get permission for re-use if I am inclined to do so?



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