[Scons-users] Bug with scons 4.3.0 on migw64

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Mon Jan 3 17:35:17 EST 2022

On 1/3/22 14:12, Stefano Rebughini wrote:
> Dear Scons developers,
> I am Stefano Rebughini and I am currectly working on my project ASALI
> (https://github.com/srebughini/ASALI
> <https://github.com/srebughini/ASALI>). It is based on an opensource
> code called CANTERA (cantera.org), which can be compiled using scons.
> On the Ubuntu (18.04 – 20.04) version I do not find any issues, but I
> cannot compile CANTERA on MingW64.
> The issues seems to be related to the command context.TryRun, when the
> compiler is g++ and the code extension is .cpp
> When the command is running the “.exe” file returs: “Command not found”.

there are some known issues with mingw, which in jargon, are that it
should be a first-class "platform" similar to how cygwin on Windows is a
platform; the fact that it isn't means it sometimes inherits some
attributes from the default Windows development environment that it

Don't have a glib answer for what the workaround will be for you. Could
you perhaps supply a few more details? I have a test setup here that is
windows with only mingw installed so it's possible to try out some
things once it's more clear what to look at.

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