[Scons-users] dep defintions

daggs daggs at gmx.com
Fri Jun 12 09:27:20 EDT 2020


I'm trying to create a static object based on links but for some reason one of the links fails to get created, here is the code:

asm_work_dir = env['O'] + '/asm-code'
asm_src_link = env.Command(asm_work_dir + '/code.asm', '#/asm-code/code.asm', symlink)
asm_const_link = env.Command(asm_work_dir + '/consts.asm', env['T'] + '/consts/asm-code/consts.asm', symlink)
env.Depends(asm_src_link, env.Depends(asm_const_link, env['T'] + '/consts/asm-code/consts.asm'))

env.StaticObject(env['T'] + '/code.bin', asm_src_link)

when I run it, I get this error:
scons: *** [output/debug/build/asm-code/consts.asm] Source `output/debug/target/consts/asm-code/consts.asm' not found, needed by target `output/debug/build/asm-code/consts.asm'.

adding --tree=prune produces this tree:
|   | +-output/debug/build/asm-code
|   | | +-output/debug/build/asm-code/code.asm
|   | | | +-asm-code/code.asm
|   | | | +-output/debug/build/asm-code/consts.asm
|   | | |   +-output/debug/target/consts/asm-code/consts.asm
|   | | |   +-output/debug/target/consts/.defs_generated
|   | | +-[output/debug/build/asm-code/consts.asm]

what I want to do is to create both links and then run te static object.

what am I doing wrong?


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