[Scons-users] Found dependency cycle(s)

Непомнящий Евгений johnny at topazelectro.ru
Tue May 10 09:10:53 EDT 2016


I build project with scons 2.1.0 fine, but with scons 2.5 I receive this:

scons: done building targets.

scons: *** Found dependency cycle(s):
   Internal Error: no cycle found for node _build\main.elf  
(<SCons.Node.FS.File object at 0x038FAC60>) in state pending
   Internal Error: no cycle found for node _build\obj\impl_ssorder.o  
(<SCons.Node.FS.File object at 0x03836D98>) in state pending
   Internal Error: no cycle found for node _build\obj\enc28j60.o  
(<SCons.Node.FS.File object at 0x038AB780>) in state pending
   Z:\_bu9\sale\impl\impl_ssOrder.cl.h ->  
   Z:\_bu9\_ext\lwip\topaz\enc28j60\lwip\enc28j60.cl.h ->  

File "C:\Python27\scons-2.5.0\SCons\Taskmaster.py", line 1043, in cleanup

What can I do with this?

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