[IGDA_indies] SIG Focus?

Jason Della Rocca jason at igda.org
Sat Jan 29 11:19:08 EST 2005

>I am tempted to say, if one doesn't know how to use Google to find these
>sorts of things, one isn't cut out to be an indie.

Hehehe, possibly true. But, it unfair to assume that someone just starting 
out, or perhaps from elsewhere on the planet would readily know where to 
look, let alone, in some cases, WHAT to look for...

Perhaps having a central meta-resource/pointers that is unbiased and 
readily available to any and everyone would help get some indies rolling 
much faster and avoid many of the pitfalls early on.

>That leaves face-to-face organization at the local level.  This is
>what's most valuable to me.

Face-to-face in what context/setting? Learning? Social/fun? Project/work 

If it is more for the learning and socializing aspects, that is already 
being addressed by regular IGDA chapters (while some are better organized 
than others), there is nothing inherently limiting involved of indies.

Rather, if it is a desire to connect locally with other indies to work on 
projects/etc, that's a whole different story...


Jason Della Rocca
Executive Director
International Game Developers Association

t: +1-514-426-1162
f: +1-514-426-1201
Montreal, Canada


"Do or do not. There is no try."
- Yoda

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