[IGDA_indies] Linux on consoles

Brandon J. Van Every vanevery at indiegamedesign.com
Tue Aug 31 18:54:34 EDT 2004

In OCaml-land I argue with UNIX crumudgeons a lot.  They don't like
Windows and can't wrap their head around the idea of someone being
oriented towards consumer applications on the dominant consumer
platform.  I have a master plan to change that situation, and allies,
but it'll be some time.  From the friction has resulted some interesting
speculation, however:

Is it possible to develop a game for Linux, stick it on a console, and
"It Just Works [TM]" ?  Has Linux evolved to the point where it can
short-circuit the console developers' control of their platforms?  Both
technically and legally.

I don't see the same scenario as feasible on a PC.  Sure, Linux can just
boot a PC nowadays.  But consumers don't want to use their PCs this way,
and it's too unreliable for the developer.  3D HW support, internet
connections, internet security, switching e-mail apps, and saving links
in one's web browser are all issues.

If Linux could run seamlessly under Windows, that could work, but I'm
not aware of such a capability.

Soooo... the answer I'm looking for is "Yes, Linux is starting to be
possible on consoles now."  Or "No, you gotta be kidding me, I'm dying
on the floor here laughing my ass off.  Did Jim Jones rise from the dead
and slip you some kool-aid in an open-skulled penguin cup?"

Cheers,                     www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every           Seattle, WA

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