[IGDA_indies] open source commercial games

Brian Hook indies@igda.org
Thu, 8 May 2003 11:57:31 -0700

I'm unaware of any, but I do think it's a viable business model=
 for a 
smaller company.  You can use open source code and copyright the=
assets, and in all likelihood the assets (including scripts,=
are going to be what's valuable.

The biggest problem with open source (especially GPL) games is=
you're trying to do a multiplayer game.  Access to the source=
cheating trivial, even for those that aren't good enough to hack=
things on their own (security through obscurity isn't secure, but=
handing over the sourcecode sure doesn't help matters either).


On 08 May 2003 14:53:34 -0400, Jango Fett wrote:
>Anybody here knows any case of commercial open source games?