Lennonka lennonka at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 21:26:28 EST 2021

This is a bit of a complicated matter to explain.

Firstly: definition

To summarize with my own words: It's a substance that allows one to
transmute basic metals into gold.
For an extended context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosopher%27s_stone

Secondly: We have to consider the psycho-spiritual alchemy of the substance
by making an identity between emotions and metals, where basic metals are
"negative" emotions, such as anger, sorrow and such, and gold as "Love",
which I understand as "conscious care by choice". This is achievable purely
by personal research and development.

However, due to the fractal nature of the Universe, there must be more than
one emanation of this concept, and a physical manifestation of such
qualities can be expected. Such traces are the work of Nicholas Flammel and
Paracelsus, for example. And one of the recent ones, is the researcher Sir
Laurence Gardner and his book "Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark". He writes
that the stone (in the physical manifestation) is monoatomic (i.e. nano)
gold itself.

The case:

The philosopher's stone has an association of the colour red. Sometimes
it's called "red lion". Sir Gardner can also find mentions of a white
powder shaped into cones that resemble a stone in the records (reliefs) of
Ancient Egypt. But it's powder, not stone, made of processed gold, shaped
into cones similar to sugar cones before sugar cubes were invented. So were
our ancestors snorting it to get high, or what? Hell, they consumed it as
in ate it, according to Sir Gardner.

I tried to search the terms "nano gold" and "monoatomic gold" online and
this is what came up -- solid science!!!:


Now, let's look at the symbolism of making the stone/powder -- simplified,
it has three phases: Nigredo (blackness), Albedo (whiteness), and Rubedo
The thing related to the symbolism is that the purer the gold powder gets,
the redder it is, ranging from white powder in larger molecules to red
powder in smaller molecules.

Benefits described fit the alchemical descriptions (more or less), it's
manufactured on a daily basis, and you can actually buy it freely*)!

Czech: https://www.koloidy.cz/koloidni-zlato/koloidni-zlato-20-ppm-500-ml/

I've bought a dispersion of the monoatomic gold in purified water to test
its effects on myself first before I start recommending it.

*) In the EU, the sale for the purpose of internal consumption is
restricted by regulations. The bastards either know what potential it has
or are instructed to restrict it.

TURN TO RED if you dare, it can help you to heal many ailments and prolong
your life!
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