[kj] Governments Should Stop Being A Killing Joke - The Light truthpaper interviews Jaz

fatpotanga fatpotanga at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 09:47:15 EDT 2021

Couldn’t agree more!

Bill Nye's mask vs candle thing illustrates perfectly why wearing a mask is better than not wearing one.
It’s hardly rocket science. I have a cough and wear a mask it helps contains it. If you are wearing a mask too, it further helps prevent it from leaving my mouth and going up your nose.

Above all it’s a courtesy to your fellow man (Like Jim said re Japan with colds/hay fever etc) . By not showing anyone else that simple courtesy really shows what little regard that person has for others.

Jaz ‘proud not to wear a mask’ (which at best is moronic) flip to Killing Joke official selling overpriced merch-masks. Oh, the irony.
I know the people and the ‘business’ are different entities, but still.
money is not our god? Yeah, OK.

That the pandemic is manufactured/government conspiracy - seriously, to what end?
That vaccines are a way to tag and track us? 
We *voluntarily* give up more information about ourselves every time we send an email, use a search engine, log into a social media account, or simply put your phone in your pocket and drive or walk somewhere.
There has never been so much information amassed about pretty much each and everyone one of us

speaking of phones, Southern Jamie mentioned the no cell phone thing, then you get “I still have all Ravens SMS messages” 

I find the hypocrisy and the stick waving tiresome.
To coin a phrase from an elderly neighbour of mine, it’s 'all shirt and no trousers’ and verging on self-parody

> On 8 Apr 2021, at 14:17, wessidetempest . <wessidetempest at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Wearing a mask is no different then wearing a seatbelt, helmet, condom, etc. is it 100% effective?  Absolutely not but nothing is other then actual death. 
> If you’re not going to wear a mask out of simple courtesy then you may not (or should not by this logic) cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, burp, etc. And you’re a pig at that point and pigs may be smart but not smart enough to not be eaten by predators. 

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