[kj] What would John Lennon say?
lennonka at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 18:46:04 EDT 2020
Hi Mark!
I bet it might even be evolutionary.
Of course, I can't speak for him, but I can speak some of my ideas (with
references to his work, it's too deep to avoid).
Funilly, a day or two before your post, I was musing about their PEACE
"marketing campaign". I was wondering whether it's ever working. I came to
the conclusion that perhaps the word "peace" is a concept too abstract to
comprehend. What does peace look like? If we think of it as the absence of
war, then (in terms of lightworking), we may be failing to manifest it,
because of the negative phrasing. Also our dreams are difficult to fulfil
when they don't have more concrete shapes (specific "requirements" work
When I was reading your consideration of broadcasting a powerful thought,
the song Mind Games immediately came to my mind. Do you know it?
Unfortunately, it's still valid, with all the think tanks and the
information WW3 that has been going on for many decades. It is now more
apparent with "fake news" and all the confusion of contradictory
information one can find on the internet... and even in scientific
studies... who pays for the study, gets the desired conclusion. Because our
current science is (still) limited by plain logical (or linear) thinking,
and because of paradoxes, one can prove statements, which can be
contradictory. "A problem that was created on a certain level of
consciousness, can't be solved by a mind on the same level of
consciousness." We really need a more complex way of thinking to find new
solutions. (Try to think of it as upgrading our "computations" from Real
numbers to Complex numbers in mathematics.)
Another thing that came to mind was the quote: “A dream you dream alone is
only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” John is sometimes
mentioned as the author, but I believe it's Yoko's thought (whom I adore
very much, by the way). I think it says a lot about the nature of reality
and it is more relevant now than ever as we live in the time of realistic
I don't believe that new technologies would bring the desired change as
many centuries of technological development have proved (not having any
positive result, on the contrary). The change must come on the individual
level, from the change of heart and mind and from the integration of heart
and mind (this integration allows the complex thinking I was talking about
before). That's why arts are so important, because that's the only thing
that can induce change on the personal level.
But don't mind me, I'm just a crazy and at the moment drunk girl... well,
lady. Or whatever.
Have a great week. <3
On Tue, 2 Jun 2020 at 19:28, <godmachinist at kc.rr.com> wrote:
> If everything could be as simple as buying the world a Coke.
> Both the left and the right have been using Jedi mind tricks on the
> American public for decades.
> John Lennon hit the nail on the head with one of his billboards,
> PEACE You can have it if you want it
> As brilliant as I think I am, I had to think about that statement.
> Ross Perot echoed a similar thought about the power of the individual when
> he looked right into the television camera and said “You can make a
> difference”. That is a powerful thought.
> The Democrat and Republican hierarchy couldn’t let that thought spread,
> much as a virus would. This country couldn’t be run by the great
> unwashed. (Believe me, they look upon the citizens with the same
> attitude like we might look at the pigs on an industrial pig farm. How do
> we clean up their shit?)
> So they circled their wagons and went on to destroy a patriot and an
> ethical businessman.
> Trump is the reaction of the body politic to the squashing of the ideas
> that Perot had. Talk about Karma turning around and biting the
> establishment on the ass.
> Actually I hope Trump gets pushed hard, and he might choose the “nuclear
> option”.
> By “nuclear option” I mean releasing information and physical proof that
> extra-terrestrial life does exist. That would sure reset the “table”.
> The power structure that exists would be turned completely upside down
> should ETs show us how to tap some form of gravitational power that would
> be free. And if they gave us medical knowledge to stop cancer from evening
> occurring. Who knows, peace could break out in the world?
> It is unfortunate that John Lennon is not still with us. His insight
> could be revolutionary.
> Mark
> *From:* Gathering <gathering-bounces at misera.net> *On Behalf Of *Thomas
> Bell
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 2, 2020 11:33 AM
> *To:* 'A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)' <
> gathering at misera.net>
> *Subject:* Re: [kj] OT: Trump
> I find it incredible that shit unwound to the degree it has in the matter
> of just 3 months.
> Trump is an asshole and a shitty President to be sure but the blame for
> what we’re currently dealing with falls on far more than just his
> shoulders. The idiotic partisan politics that have dominated this country
> have only magnified the problems and limited if not outright stopped
> solutions from what otherwise should have been easily solvable problems.
> The terrible, inconsistent managing of the Covid crisis on the Fed, State
> and Local level is a prime example. Theoretically, we’ll soon be having a
> massive second wave of infections thanks in large part to the past weeks’
> worth of throwing out “social distancing” guidelines so everyone could have
> massive protests. So much for shutting down the economy and putting 1/4th
> of workers out of their jobs.
> I’m more disgusted with the stupid, selfish behavior of Americans than I
> am with The President who at least we’ll have to option of voting out in a
> few months.
> ++++++++++++++++++
> From: Gathering [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net
> <gathering-bounces at misera.net>] On Behalf Of GREG SLAWSON
> Living in the US right now is living during wartime. I have to check in
> with my Latino students weekly to see if any family members have died. The
> virus is spreading like wildfire, mostly due to intentional genocide by
> Dump (the death rate is several times higher for ppl of color). There are
> mass suicides, including of doctors, who cannot face reality anymore. The
> economy is in ruins. Mental illness and domestic abuse have exploded. Cops
> are beating, killing, and torturing men, women, and children in the streets
> and even in their homes. The hope is that more and more people hate fascism
> and are trying to defeat it.
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