[kj] A very British Coup

fatpotanga . fatpotanga at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 02:38:57 EST 2019

Shame it's been taken down everywhere, I hope it's resolved because it's a
wicked track. A real ear worm

On Sun, 17 Nov 2019, 23:11 Stephen Robinson via Gathering, <
gathering at misera.net> wrote:

> Produced by Youth, and err.. it’s having some legal difficulties I don’t
> understand:
> https://www.averybritishcoup.com
> From https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/804933
> The story behind this is that Keith Levene (guitar player and featured
> artist on this release) already had an ongoing court case with an ex-parter
> Kathleen DiTonio over various things such as breach of contract. Aside from
> this court documents show that she was to be given a writing credit on this
> record as it was claimed that Levene's guitar parts were based on her
> recording "I was a teenage guitarist in the clash" which as far as I can
> see only appears to exist as a youtube video..
> Anyway, for whatever reason Cadiz Music ceased discussion with DiTonio's
> lawyer regarding crediting her, indeed stopped replying completely. Levene
> also stated his composition on the track had nothing to do with her.
> So she amended her existing lawsuit against Levene and added Jah Wobble,
> Youth, the owner of Cadiz Music and others to the lawsuit.
> Now, this lawsuit is PENDING, at time of writing the defendants merely
> have been summonsed. No decision has been made. But DiTonio and her husband
> are scouring the internet and social media on a daily basis looking for
> anyone uploading, linking or even discussing this record. It's been removed
> from several websites, been blocked from Discogs, a fan-made youtube video
> was taken down due to a "copyright claim" from this person. She also has a
> website gloating about every time she gets something removed.
> But by the same token the label involved in this matter isn't exactly
> acting honourably - as I type I've got another tab open that's got
> information from someone else involved in the release who was not credited
> and maybe should have been.
> Meanwhile Jah Wobble has made one statement saying there is no injunction
> out of the record and gone back to using twitter to mostly talk about
> football.
> When another user posted about this release with a query similar to yours
> a sock-puppet account immediately appeared shouting the odds at everyone
> even though no-one was expressing any opinion on whether one work was
> plagarising the other. And oh boy did they take exception to me
> half-jokingly suggesting people buy it as it might become a rarity. Anyway
> this sock puppet (who turns out to be Kathy's husband) started making
> thinly-veiled threats, linked to my facebook (not linked on Discogs) and
> added a pic of mine to his twitter profile. tl:dr - he semi-doxxed me for
> daring to even discuss this record and call him out for being an obvious
> sock-puppet.
> Similarly anyone on social media discussing this record immediately has
> one or both of these people hovering around them. Pretty sure this is not a
> good way to behave when you've got a court case opened as you run the risk
> of prejudicing yourself.
> It is worth pointing out at this juncture that both DiTonio and her
> husband work as anti-bullying advocates
> I have still not listened to either recording and literally have no
> opinion on any claims of plagarism. Several unbiased sources suggest that
> the similarity between the two releases consists of two notes. Which may or
> not be the same as on other older recordings by Levene. There is talk of
> his "signature" style. I am not a laywer but looking into this based on
> past instances of successfully claimed musical plagarism (eg the "blurred
> lines" case) , everything points to the fact that the plaintiff is going to
> struggle. A lot hinges on the record label promising a credit and then
> reneging on that promise. But again - I report what others have said. Find
> the two versions, make up your own mind.
> Anyway, Discogs tends to err on the side of caution regarding these
> matters - despite the fact this lady neither owns the copyright, has any
> sort of injunction out on this record or even an actual ongoing court case,
> presumably a letter from a lawyer was received and Discogs do not have the
> time and money to research these things themselves.
> If the item is ever going to be for sale on Discogs, it'll be a long time
> from now. Meantime the record is available on ebay through Cadiz Music but
> they have had to leave out the title of the track but, again, this lady
> keeps claiming she owns the entire work and got the original listing taken
> down.
> Hooe that covers everything at risk of another sock puppet popping up. If
> you or anyone else requires any more info PM me. Failing that just google
> the title of the release and very quickly you'll fall down the rabbit hole
> that covers what is in this post.
> https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jah-Wobble-12-Single-extremely-rare-limited-yellow-vinyl/193197554264?hash=item2cfb78ba58:g:omEAAOSw2Whdw~ho
> The last few things I’ve heard from Wobble have been so insipid I’m
> passing on this one. I loved him, once. But that last one… Blimey was it
> bland.
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