T.B. planetary at socal.rr.com
Wed Sep 19 19:29:20 EDT 2018

Thanks for posting those two interviews.  Nice to not only hear they really are enjoying the current US leg of the tour as much as it appears but also the talk of doing more dates in 2019, perhaps even another swing through here next year.  It’s almost unthinkable to be looking at two tours in two years in the US.
Also, good to read they are pretty much committed to a new studio album but a bit distressing to *not* hear any mention of the “Symphonic Killing Joke” project and accompanying live show(s).  Frankly from my POV, I’d rather get a new studio album than a muzak rehash of the old tunes but for backers of the Pledge Music project, this has to be frustrating.  Also would like to hear about the status of the reissue project for the studio albums, especially KJ2003, if that’s completely dead or not.
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