[kj] OT taking stock of Trump

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 5 14:06:33 EDT 2018

Trump certainly says the media are frauds and liars, unless they're saying nice things about him or things he agrees with (whether true or false), in which case he retweets it repeatedly. Not sure how that contributes to the debate on media reliability.


On Thu, 5/4/18, T.B. <planetary at socal.rr.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [kj] OT taking stock of Trump
 To: "'A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)'" <gathering at misera.net>
 Date: Thursday, 5 April, 2018, 18:28
 Fuck it, I’ll say my piece.
 I'm not a Trump supporter,
 I didn't vote for him.  In fact, I didn't vote for
 anyone for POTUS this election, the first time I left that
 option blank in 35+ years' worth of voting.
 That said, I like some of the
 things he's doing.  I like that he isn't a
 politician and he constantly shakes things up and pisses off
 the right people.  He's about as polished as 30 grit
 sand paper.  I find it funny that he's driven so much
 of the self-righteous liberal elite right off their nut. 
 Certainly has exposed the media on both the right and left
 as the frauds they are.
 think his Supreme Court pick is the single best thing
 he's accomplished (although that's more down to the
 Republicans huge gamble last year stalling Obama's
 pick).  Although I think the whole "Build the
 Wall" shit is window dressing, his overall stance *is*
 noticeably cutting down illegal immigration which is a huge
 problem and financial drain in my state (California, most
 fucked up state in the US).  Despite the risks to the
 environment, the US is now poised to become the biggest oil
 producer in the world which will hopefully greatly reduce
 our need to get involved with future nonsense in the Middle
 East.  Like it or not, the employment figures continue to
 improve under his watch.  People were pissing their drawers
 over his handling of North Korea, now they are (hopefully)
 coming to the table - they've certainly quieted the fuck
 down with the missile launches and nuke tests.
 I *don't* like his
 idiotic, ill-informed tweeting bullshit.  He's the
 Facepalm King every time he posts something.  I think
 it's insane that he seems to be stumble-fucking through
 his first term and goes through cabinet and staff members
 like snot rags.  One the other hand, like with Bill
 Clinton, I could care less who he screws around with
 (especially prior to being elected) and the whole Russian
 thing continues to peter out in the breeze.
 I think he's only added to
 the ACA healthcare debacle, certainly hasn't helped. 
 Healthcare costs and fair coverage in America is the single
 biggest issue this country faces.  The tax
 "reform" bullshit is going to kill me next year as
 wife's student loan, medical deductions, state tax
 write-off, etc all gave me an edge when filing every
 previous year.  If I was the CEO of some big corporation,
 I'd probably be a lot happier with that handout. 
 Instigating a trade war with China is a huge risk and could
 single-handedly torpedo our economy but China has been
 butt-fucking this country in trade for a long time - same
 with Mexico.
 Frankly, when
 I look at politics, I'm more concerned with what affects
 me directly - especially here in California where it seems
 most of our politicians are more concerned with taxing
 residents to death to create bicycle paths in busy streets
 and funding billions on a useless bullet train while our
 public education system rots.  On a Federal level, aside
 from the likely tax reform impact next year, nothing has
 changed for me and on an income level and standard of
 living, things are better than the last few years.
 I lived through Nixon in the
 early 70's, this country survived his bullshit,
 it'll survive Trumps.
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