[kj] Lecture last night

P West fluke1 at live.co.uk
Thu Jun 25 16:42:06 EDT 2015

I have noticed that the same people who are concerned about Chemtrails , generally, also seem to be pro marijuana legalisation .   The same people who will snort anything, drink anything , sniff anything , smoke anything , inject anything , inhale anything, seek mushrooms, take horse tranquiliser . lick toads , laughing gas , tamazapan and they'd even try marzipan, if they thought that it would get them off their trolley .    These same people are concerned about inhaling chemtrials because "it may effect their outlook on life .What the Gov needs to do is to make Chemtrails classified into a class B .Then you would get all the chemtrail conspiracy theorists flying up in their para-gliders flying  behind 747s with their vivavizulsas trying to breathe all that shit in

From: humanhybrid666 at gmail.com
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 10:27:03 +1200
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] Lecture last night

i wont say i believe in them, but i would not put it passed The Powers That Be to fuck around with geo-engineering... in fact, i would not put it passed them to simply fuck around with things they have little understanding of. so, to say it is all a load of bollox i think is overly simplistic. these cunts have huge budgets and no morals. and like doing stuff... ... ...i would be VERY surprised if they haven't at least attempted spraying shit in the atmosphere.

"due to a lack of trained trumpeters, the end of the world has been postponed indefinitely..."

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 11:29 PM, jpwhkj--- via Gathering <gathering at misera.net> wrote:
Yep, the Extremities gigs were exceptional... in part because the first gulf war was just starting, and Killing Joke sounded relevant.

Maybe if you believe in chem-trails they still do.  Anyone?


-----Original Message-----

From: adrianwason <adrianwason at btinternet.com>

To: A list about all things Killing Joke \\(the band!\\) <gathering at misera.net>

Sent: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 5:46

Subject: Re: [kj] Lecture last night

 during the EDAVRE tour, those gigs were as tense as fuck and the lyrics meaningful,

that's why those gigs will always be special, there have been some one off brilliant gigs since such as Subterreania 94 Underworld 2003,Astoria 2005,but they still didn't t have the vibe of the early gigs on that tour

----Original message----

>From : npscott at blueyonder.co.uk

Date : 22/06/2015 - 14:32 (GMTDT)

To : gathering at misera.net

Subject : Re: [kj] Lecture last night



The only time I have seen and took Jaz seriously was during the EDAVRE tour, those gigs were as tense as fuck and the lyrics meaningful, and you could see Jaz and the rest of the band truly meant it onstage.




First outing tour of Pandemonium pre-album release in the UK when I saw Jaz in his Jesters garb I laughed out loud, since then his stage antics have been nothing but repetitive B movie style antics and he amuses me.











On 22 June 2015 at 14:05, Rob Moss 
    <rob.moss at gmx.com> wrote:



I like Jaz a great deal. I like his intelligence and his passion and I think he is the sort of charismatic individual that could quite easily start a cult. He does already have a cult following really. And that's why I am always wary of him and have never been a "follower". 





I'm wary of all people like him whether they are musicians, politicians, business leaders, religious sorts. Entertaining. At a distance!!













On 22 Jun 2015, at 13:23, jpwhkj--- via Gathering <
         gathering at misera.net> wrote:




          I took him very seriously when I was 17 or so - quite a while ago, admittedly ;-) 












-----Original Message-----

 From: Rob Moss <
               rob.moss at gmx.com>

 To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <
               gathering at misera.net>

 CC: jpwhkj <
               jpwhkj at aol.com>

 Sent: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 13:14

 Subject: Re: [kj] Lecture last night



 As do most people as they get older! 


 I've never taken Jaz too serioulsly and not about to start now!  




 On 22 Jun 2015, at 12:16, jpwhkj--- via Gathering < 
                  gathering at misera.net> wrote: 


                   " among a whole pack of very dumb conspiracies" 

                     You've just summed up the last 15 years of KJ lyrics. 


                     Once upon a time, KJ lyrics were brief, mysterious, and, er, interesting.  They've gradually morphed into verbose billboard-sized tediousness. 






 -----Original Message----- 

 From: Neil Perry < 
                      65snoopy at gmail.com> 

 To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) < 
                      gathering at misera.net> 

 Sent: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 10:27 

 Subject: Re: [kj] Lecture last night 



 Thanks for that. 

 I think you'll agree (best read in a Marge Simpson-talking-to-Homer voice) that we've put up with 

 a lot during our 30+ year relationship with this band. For a large part of it, Jaz's beliefs have shaped 

 the band and their output, and this never detracted from my enjoyment because I was never 

 being asked to accept those beliefs as fact. Jaz has spent a lifetime researching and practising 

 various esoteric and mystical interests that, generally, added to the vibe of the music, and I 

 was happy to accept it all as part of overall KJ experience. 


 However, his recent lurch into full-on conspiracy theory mode I find... what's a polite word... 

 irritating, and to hear he's gone down the chemtrail route is particularly irksome. 

 The chemtrail theory is one of the dumbest among a whole pack of very dumb conspiracies... 

 it is so rediculous that I can only rationalise it by thinking that this is some sort of multi-layered 

 joke from Jaz, because I cannot accept that he actually thinks this has any basis in reality. 


 'Chemtrails' are condensation trails - that is why the real name is 'contrails' - and are formed when 


 plane engines spew out water vapour, which crystallize into ice in the cold air. This is what those 


 trails are - clouds of ice. That is why they hang there, and slowly dissipate (and note, contrary to 


 the conspiracy claims, they do just hang there, achieving nothing - if something was being sprayed, wouldn't the 


 sprayers want the substance to reach the ground?) 

 Just think about it: The entire commercial airline industry - because every single jet plane in existence produces these trails - is working 

 for their respective governments/the NWO, to spray something on the planet. And not one person, among the millions who 

 work in the airline industry, including hundreds of thousands of trained pilots, who presumably have to 

 do the spraying, has ever blown the whistle, or even asked, Excuse me, what's this stuff coming out of my plane? 


 OK, sorry, rant over. This is not mystical or esoteric, it is idiocy of the highest order and it just drives me fecking mad. 



 On 18 June 2015 at 13:50, nicholas fitzpatrick 
                         <gasw30 at hotmail.com> wrote: 

                             So, last night then.  
                             First off, two items of news. Jaz and Geordie want to take 100 Gatherers to India at some point (October next year, I think) to complete a several-day pilgrimage around a holy mountain visiting various temples. I forget the name of the pilgrimage, but it is a well-established Hindu pilgrimage that takes place around a full moon. 
                             “If you’re on the dole and can’t afford it, we’ll just find a way for you to go”. 
                             Jaz said that him and Geordie wanted to act as “mentors” to the 100 to help them identify their inner genius. The idea is, IIRC, to then meet at the next full moon in the UK, and then again a year later to see how much life has changed. 
                             Second item of news, is that Jaz plans to do more lectures around the country between tour dates. 
                             The whole activity appears aimed at, as I say, helping those who want to, to identify their inner genius. 
                             Last night was a game of two halves. The first half was about the New World Order and the various conspiracy-theory spokes that come out of that topic. So we heard that the 100-year-old Rockefeller is at the centre of the NWO and wants to finish his project before he dies. And we heard about FEMA camps, about vapour trails dropping nano worms, control of population through food supply, and fluoride in the water…. 
                             Frankly it was a bit of a ramble so a bit hard for me to put something down coherently about it. Perhaps others could do a better job. 
                             Although it was moderately engaging in places, when the break came and I turned around to see that my two pals (who aren’t fans) had left early; I wasn’t surprised. You had to be very sympathetic to Jaz to sit through non-sourced and surely in some cases wildly exaggerated claims.  
                             For example, he spoke of a US senator who did or found something out (can’t remember what it was but it was alarming), but he didn’t name the senator so how can that be verified? Why wouldn’t you name the senator? It just wreaks of pseudo-academic research. 
                             Another example, this time of exaggeration: he mentioned that a member of KJ was close to Rockefeller and, by implication, has some great looking-hole into the whole conspiracy shebang.  
                             Obviously he’s referring to BPF here… but c’mon, are we seriously expected to believe that BPF and Rockefeller are tight? Are we supposed to believe that Rockefeller, who knows presidents, prime ministers, celebrities and the other four people that run the universe, suddenly, in the very final years of his life, as he’s getting towards 100 and going to die, thinks to himself, ‘I know, I’m going to become really close to that guy there, the one who plays drums in a band. He once dusted down the toes of an ancient Buddha sculpture for my Foundation, where he works part-time along with 14,000 other people who I also don’t know. I’m going to let this guy into my inner sanctum and I’m going to tell him everything.’  
                             Course he didn’t do that. Course he f-ing didn’t. 
                             The second half I suppose dwelt a bit more on the spiritual, though again it’s a bit hard to sum it up as the road he steered through this topic had many turns, junctions, and needed resurfacing in places. 
                             He ended though with a very nice reading and seemed moved as he left the stage quickly. 
                             Forgive my somewhat negative review. I’m sure there’s lots I‘ve missed. It was as always a great privilege to sit in with Coleman and I think it’s great that he does these things.  
                             He was in a friendly, relaxed mood and there were many flashes of humour. 
                             About 5/10 for content. 
                             8/10 for delivery. 



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