[kj] KJ film, Thursday

Nick Scott npscott at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Feb 17 11:25:34 EST 2015

If the film omits Brighter Than A Thousand Suns era and Outside The Gate
era I seriously would like to ask Jaz as a documented history of the band
if he is embarrassed by those time periods.

Hate popcorn, both salted or toffee....looks like peanuts for us.

On 17 February 2015 at 16:22, nicholas fitzpatrick <gasw30 at hotmail.com>

> ------------------------------
> So it's the Killing Joke film this Thursday night, right? What popcorn
> will you be eating: salted or toffee?
> I got one of the last seats available - against the wall on the far right.
> I'll probably get a neck crick. I hope this film is better than Godfather
> III.
> Are you going to ask Jaz a question in the Q&A bit afterwards, and what
> will it be? Some examples:
> -Can we have our money back?
> -Can you make your next album sound like Firedances?
> -Is Diamonds of Joy still going to be released? I mean Gems of Power.
> Sorry. Forgot.
> No but seriously, if anyone wants to ask a question but feels a bit
> embarrassed, just post it here and i'll ask it as long as it's credible and
> not going to get me kicked in.
> Anyone meeting beforehand and know any good pubs in Waterloo?
> nick
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