[kj] What a tangled web we weave...

Brendan Quinn bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Fri Jul 20 17:44:46 EDT 2012

I’m going to write a serialised adventures series for teens whose principal character is called Jack Bloker. Working titles so far:

Jack Bloker and the Gems of Power

Jack Bloker: Immanentizing the Eschaton <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immanentize_the_eschaton>

Jack Bloker and the Two Villages.

Jack Bloker and the Sound of the Earth Chundering.

Jack Bloker: Now I can’t blame the grog

Jack Bloker gets a MacBook Pro and Mavis Beacon Touch Typing course

(followed very shorty after by):

Jack Bloker’s unfortunate lifetime Internet ban

From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of Rob Moss
Sent: Saturday, 21 July 2012 7:12 a.m.
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] What a tangled web we weave...

I really fail to see what all the fuss is about.

Jaz Coleman. Singer of killing joke. Shouts his mouth off. Big wow! He has always done it.

So he slags off some bands and that is seen as unprofessional. I see it as honest. If he wasn't true to himself then he wouldn't be Jaz. The man has always been straight talking.

I have seen him called unprofessional. Why is that? Just because he has got sick of years of blowing smoke up people's arses? I'm amazed he didn't say it before! Anyhow. Astbury and Hussy are both verbose knob heads who have dished it out and can obviously take it.

Good on you Jaz I say!

On 20 Jul 2012, at 17:05, Rheinhold Squeegee <kjlist at live.com> wrote:

So, what began as an alleged transcription of a conversation with Jaz, later posted by an individual in the comments section of the KJ Facebook page, has now been represented as an official statement from Jaz via Facebook.

This information is repeated on multiple Mission and Cult message boards as well as on other metal blogs. To their credit, the Metal Mammer page is now "unavailable," so I assume someone in the KJ camp is scrambling to do damage control. Jas was right: 2012 will be a year of apocalyptic disaster, but it won't be fire raining down on their heads, it'll be lawsuits.


· <http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/news/killing-jokes-jaz-coleman-goes-mental-on-facebook-pulls-killing-joke-off-tour-slags-off-the-cult-loads/> Killing Joke's Jaz Coleman Goes Mental, Pulls Killing Joke Off Tour ...


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2 hours ago - So Killing Joke frontman Jaz Coleman blew up on the band's official Facebook earlier after Killing Joke's planned slot supporting The Cult on tour was cancelled .


<http://twitter.com/Metal_Hammer> Metal HammerMetal Hammer ‏@Metal_Hammer <http://twitter.com/Metal_Hammer/status/226313481484390401> 2h

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So Killing Joke's Jaz Coleman went mental on Facebook and slagged off The Cult loads... <http://t.co/5q5HrAMm?tw_p=twt> http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/news/killing-jokes-jaz-coleman-goes-mental-on-facebook-pulls-killing-joke-off-tour-slags-off-the-cult-loads/

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