[kj] Question about this...unpleasantness.

TB planetary at socal.rr.com
Wed Aug 22 18:23:00 EDT 2012

Jim Harper wrote:

I recall being told that Jaz's comments were part of a message to the Gathering, transcribed for the express purpose of
communicating with the Gathering.


Yep, it was explicitly said by Cormac that Jaz "dictated" that message to him with the express desire that Cormac post it on his
Facebook page during a visit to Faust Studios in Prague (and later that evening at a local bar). Within hours of the message being
posted on his (Cormac's, not the bands') Facebook page the following day, Cormac was told by "someone" to remove the message which
he did, but not before it had already been disseminated across the internet. Once it blew up in Jaz's and the rest of the bands'
faces, cue scrambling to sort things out professionally and no doubt inter-personally and ridiculous excuses being fabricated for
fans and any press that might be interested in this nonsense.

At this point, either Cormac was lying or at best, misinterpreting what Jaz said which considering all the circumstances seems VERY
unlikely, or more likely, Jaz was speaking out his ass, voicing his own opinions and desire to blow off the Sept tour without any
thought of the concequences, all without taking consideration what the rest of the band, management or promoters may have to say
about any aspect of the situation.

What clearly sucks as others here have already mentioned, is that this has been laid squarely on Cormac's doorstep, someone who
clearly is close to at least Jaz and obviously loves the band. I would love to hear his opinion here on this as he's been
unfortunately silent since this all blew up.


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