[kj] Of Topic, of sorts....

Agni Deva devacor at aol.com
Tue Sep 27 18:42:44 EDT 2011

"Give me control of a nations $ and I care not who makes its laws..."
House of Rothchild 1863

which who are one of the banking families behind the federal reserve...

I had surreal meeting with Ralph Nadar about a year ago- at this beige
"green" trade show in DC- we sat above the trade show floor and
overlooked it- he pointed down and said- see all this great stuff going
on under this roof. Its all wonderful of course, but there is no real
cohesion and direction to it. Everyone just kind of does there own
thing and pushes on in their own way...
On talking more, he feels that there is enough already in place to make
major changes- for the environment, economy (opposing fed), human
rights etc-- its just a matter of really organizing everyone whose head
is in the game. He is looking for 3-4 super rich to become sympathetic
and fund a sort of 'governing body' which would then help to unify and
maximize all the work being doing now...
sounds great on paper of course- and it would take everyone to
cooperate, which I find would be more of the difficult task then
actually finding the $ and coming up with a sort of overseeing group.
Especially since it would be 'unofficial'

So (for instance with what alex was reporting) with this 'occupy wall
street' I don't nec think its a sign of 'flakiness' that there are
someone differing sinage/stances at the protest, but I could well
imagine the whole event could have stood better organizing and
unification. and I could have already guessed it was maybe 20%
substance 80% fluff/people protesting for the sake of protesting- but
whatever the percentage is, its better then nothing.

As for the federal reserve, I just feel the general public needs to get
a better understanding of what it actually is, how its run and who
runs it. then make their own conclusions--
Ron Paul did agree to do a story with me when I wanted to do one up-
with the goings ons right now I may take it as the opportune time to to


-----Original Message-----
From: Brendan Quinn <bq at soundgardener.co.nz>
To: 'A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)'
<gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Tue, Sep 27, 2011 6:07 pm
Subject: Re: [kj] Of Topic, of sorts....

>From what I can tell, the Fed is an illegal / unconstitutional

owned banking cartel who print the reserve currency of the world from a
balance cheque account.

There's a book on the establishment and workings of the Fed called 'The
Creature from Jekyl Island' - even easier, here's a speech by the
author on


As far as I can tell he's on the money, but Wikipedia suggests he's a
on some other topics. Typical.

The only American politician I've heard who makes sense about the Fed
is Ron
Paul. Again as far as I understand (from Adam) he's got his kooky angles

-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
[mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of Aleph Kali
Sent: Wednesday, 28 September 2011 8:56 a.m.
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] Of Topic, of sorts....

Good to know Alex, thanks for clearing that up!

It seems like people have forgotten *how* to protest.
It mostly just seems like an excuse to cause damage and loot these

What a shame.


~Love Me Like A Reptile~

On Sep 27, 2011, at 5:36 AM, Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net>


> With all due respect, the Occupy Wall Street thing lacks all

semblance of
cohesion. If their goal is to completely alienate people, they're
in spades. I'm not suggesting that there isn't any merit in some of
they're trying (very poorly) to express, but they are all over the
Some carry signs that say "Punish the Fed." Others say "Justice for Troy
Davis." These are two entirely different messages (and just two
examples of
many). A large percentage of them, I have to say, seem to be out and
protesting merely for the *SAKE* of protesting.


> One of the now-infamous pepper spray incidents happened down my street

(University Place). We live nowhere near Wall Street.


> I respect everyone's right to protest, but organization and uniformity

will probably serve you better than idealism, sound-bytey platitudes and
blaring into vuvuzelas.


> Alex in NYC




> On Sep 26, 2011, at 5:59 PM, Blazingstar418 wrote:


>> In case the folks here *don't* know that this is going on due to a

complete lack of media coverage.


>> Occupy Wall Street.


>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU9Dx0x9h4A


>> https://occupywallst.org/







>> "The scene was wild and somewhat sinister. The darkness, the palms,

mountainous background, the silent lake below, the impenetrable canopy
space, studded with secretive and significant stars, formed a stupendous
setting for the savage noise and blaze of the ceremony."

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