[kj] OT - Literally

Brendan Quinn bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Tue Oct 4 01:45:54 EDT 2011

The name of the game at the moment is wealth preservation ('risk off'),
yield is very hard to find. People are battening down the hatches and trying
to position to preserve wealth due to all of the current and imminent
problems worldwide. Yield is a just not there unless you take on a lot of
risk, shorting stocks could work but it's quite risky because beyond a
certain point Bernanke et al will start printing again and markets will
react to the upside instantly, so loss potential is very high. Horrible
market to trade or invest in, you can't bet on intuitive market moves as
would occur in a mythical free market because central banks are so active,
and so influential. Even cash is suspect as central banks race to devalue
their currencies.

At times like this, good traders take a holiday...there's a story about the
head of a trading desk who sent his top traders on holiday for a month
during a time like this, and beat the market. Lesson being that traders like
to trade, even when they shouldn't...

Gold and silver got hit for a few reasons: traders want to book profits to
make the quarter look less bad than it was...gold / silver are the only
things that have been performing decently, so selling realises the gains and
reduces the effect of the poor stock performance. Secondly, the gold /
silver markets are hugely manipulated in order to make the USD and other
fiat currencies look less shit, because they are inversely correlated. Read
www.gata.org for details, well documented in the words of central bankers
themselves, so it's not a 'conspiracy theory'. And finally, there's some
rumours that the US wanted to hit commodities to punish China for their low
Yuan, in the ongoing global currency wars.

Bear in mind however, gold's hit only took it down to August levels...it's
up for the year. Silver's flat. Yet read the MSM and they'll tell you the
bubble has burst. Interesting.

Best commentary on the current situation IMO is Martin Armstrong, and if you
have time, read his back story, it's like a bestselling paperback -
self-made millionaire in his mid-teens from coin trading, invented /
discovered a recurring mathematical formula in markets based on pi, created
a voice-recognition artificial intelligence predictive program (back in the
80s...) which he paid legions of researchers to plug information going back
hundreds of years into, which managed to predict things like the fall of the
Soviet Union to the day...had Maggie Thatcher and other govts calling him in
during times of crisis to advise, had the largest financial consultancy in
the world into the 80s, then got framed and slammed in jail for 11 years
because he wouldn't hand his code over to the US govt, and exposed a group
of bankers manipulating markets, who are now basically Goldman Sachs.

He writes in terrible English, partly because a lot of his writings were
done on typewriter while in prison, but ignore that if you can...

...mp3 interview here:


-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of sade1
Sent: Tuesday, 4 October 2011 4:24 p.m.
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] OT - Literally

Do u hav the codes/passwords to the stock market/s? ;) Pweeze. Cuz I'm
having a bitch of a time trying to make any income at all right now. Even
gold has dipped. wtf? I am hoping Jaz's trading floor on the Island will
bring a change for the better. (I am picturing huge overhead tv monitors
blaring RT NEWS 24/7).

On Mon Oct 3rd, 2011 7:22 PM PDT Brendan Quinn wrote:

>Points pretty accurately to my homework 25 years ago...


>-----Original Message-----

>From: gathering-bounces at misera.net

>[mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of Dominico C

>Sent: Tuesday, 4 October 2011 3:16 p.m.

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Subject: [kj] OT - Literally


>MATHEMATICS OF CHAOS obviously points to Fractals, butterfly effect /

>doppler effect, and CHAOS THEORY.


>-----Original Message-----

>From: gathering-request at misera.net

>Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 10:32 AM

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Subject: Gathering Digest, Vol 99, Issue 1


>Send Gathering mailing list submissions to gathering at misera.net


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>You can reach the person managing the list at

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>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific


>"Re: Contents of Gathering digest..."



>The Gathering - Digest


>Today's Topics:


> 1. Re: Subject: Re: Of Topic, of sorts (ADRIAN WASON)

> 2. Re: Subject: Re: Of Topic, of sorts (sade1)

> 3. Re: Subject: OT- my Occupy Wall St story (Agni Deva)

> 4. Re: Subject: OT- my Occupy Wall St story (sade1)

> 5. PledgePoll (Paul Rangecroft)

> 6. Re: PledgePoll (fatpotanga)

> 7. Re: PledgePoll (Wrightdvdw at aol.com)

> 8. OT - Literally (sade1)

> 9. Re: OT - Literally (folk devil)

> 10. Re: OT - Literally (Paul Rangecroft)





>Message: 1

>Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 19:46:53 +0100 (BST)

>From: ADRIAN WASON <adrianwason at btinternet.com>

>Subject: Re: [kj] Subject: Re: Of Topic, of sorts

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Message-ID: <1317408413.7327.YahooMailRC at web86608.mail.ird.yahoo.com>

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


>mossad have just got me. my family have informed on me. i will never

>get to hear?sixth sun or kj2012 or have prawns or?a bacon?roll

>again.mind yer backs fellas!





>Message: 2

>Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 12:53:57 -0700 (PDT)

>From: sade1 <saulomar1 at yahoo.com>

>Subject: Re: [kj] Subject: Re: Of Topic, of sorts

>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke \(the band!\)"

><gathering at misera.net>


><1317412437.55085.YahooMailNeo at web110205.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


>Will you be going to?an Orthodox or a Reform detention black site?


>I?went yesterday?to my regular newstand across the street?from?a

>storefront temple which - usually - looks more like a?tented kids'

>day-care/play-yard and for the first time ever there were 2 Mossad-lite

>armed guards outside in black cargo pants?with loaded double-staggered

>gun-clips - and they're Baba Sale! (or maybe because they're Baba Sale).






>From: ADRIAN WASON <adrianwason at btinternet.com>

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 11:46 AM

>Subject: Re: [kj] Subject: Re: Of Topic, of sorts


>mossad have just got me. my family have informed on me. i will never

>get to hear?sixth sun or kj2012 or have prawns or?a bacon?roll

>again.mind yer backs fellas!


>Gathering mailing list

>Gathering at misera.net


>-------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was









>Message: 3

>Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 16:47:57 -0400 (EDT)

>From: Agni Deva <devacor at aol.com>

>Subject: Re: [kj] Subject: OT- my Occupy Wall St story

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Message-ID: <8CE4DC95E5F2692-81C-1E81E at Webmail-d109.sysops.aol.com>

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed



>from my Washington Times Online column:



>occup y-wall-street-protest-sparks-nationwide-movem/


>I was just aggravated that no one else big media was really covering

>it, so I did a little something- but its gone 'viral'- today was 'NYC

hardcore day"

>up there with John Joseph/Cro Mags and Vinnie Stigma/Agnostic Front and

>a few others (yeah would have loved to hear what good ol' vinnie would

>have had to say)- I was trying to get on the card, but I probably will in



>and in the comments section I love that someone called me a "Major

>Occultist" and be it what I was saying was fact of fiction they threw

>it out because it was coming from the 'dark side' --- yeah there may be

>a few christians that come across my column...






>-----Original Message-----

>From: ADRIAN WASON <adrianwason at btinternet.com>

>To: gathering <gathering at misera.net>

>Sent: Fri, Sep 30, 2011 2:52 pm

>Subject: Re: [kj] Subject: Re: Of Topic, of sorts


>mossad have just got me. my family have informed on me. i will never

>get to hear?sixth sun or kj2012 or have prawns or?a bacon?roll

>again.mind yer backs fellas!


>Gathering mailing list

>Gathering at misera.net









>Message: 4

>Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 14:54:33 -0700 (PDT)

>From: sade1 <saulomar1 at yahoo.com>

>Subject: Re: [kj] Subject: OT- my Occupy Wall St story

>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke \(the band!\)"

><gathering at misera.net>


><1317419673.91922.YahooMailNeo at web110216.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


>Hopefully this wakes things up:




>Looks like the Big Guns are gonna rock things there.

>Fingers crossed for something good & beneficial to come from it all.






>From: Agni Deva <devacor at aol.com>

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 1:47 PM

>Subject: Re: [kj] Subject: OT- my Occupy Wall St story



>from my Washington Times Online column:



>occup y-wall-street-protest-sparks-nationwide-movem/


>I was just aggravated that no one else big media? was really covering

>it, so I did a little something- but its gone 'viral'- today was 'NYC

hardcore day"


>up there with John Joseph/Cro Mags and Vinnie Stigma/Agnostic Front and

>a few others (yeah would have loved to hear what good ol' vinnie would

>have had to say)- I was trying to get on the card, but I probably will in



>and in the comments section I love that someone called me a "Major

>Occultist" and be it what I was saying was fact of fiction they threw

>it out because it was coming from the 'dark side' --- yeah there may be

>a few christians that come across my column...






>-----Original Message-----

>From: ADRIAN WASON <adrianwason at btinternet.com>

>To: gathering <gathering at misera.net>

>Sent: Fri, Sep 30, 2011 2:52 pm

>Subject: Re: [kj] Subject: Re:? Of Topic, of sorts


>mossad have just got me. my family have informed on me. i will never

>get to hear?sixth sun or kj2012 or have prawns or?a bacon?roll

>again.mind yer backs fellas!


>Gathering mailing list

>Gathering at misera.net






>Gathering mailing list

>Gathering at misera.net


>-------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was









>Message: 5

>Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 17:51:05 +0100

>From: Paul Rangecroft <paul.rangecroft at gmail.com>

>Subject: [kj] PledgePoll

>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"

><gathering at misera.net>


><CAAuMVT9NP4cMgF-Pi4NtLc2_AJb1jQ_Mqa9r3__DTKScY9cQiw at mail.gmail.com>

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


>I will compose another poll if enough people (17) pledge to respond to it.


>For ?10 I will print out the poll, sign it and send it to you.*


>For ?1,000 I will travel to your house and ask you the questions in



>To pledge simply reply with the message "Pledge."


>Warm regards,

>Paul Rangecroft


>*UK residents only

>-------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was









>Message: 6

>Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 18:55:40 +0100

>From: fatpotanga <fatpotanga at gmail.com>

>Subject: Re: [kj] PledgePoll

>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke \(the band!\)"

><gathering at misera.net>

>Message-ID: <A05CC6B2-7C7B-40DD-8873-5E9875739651 at gmail.com>

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1




>(& a chortle)



>On 1 Oct 2011, at 17:51, Paul Rangecroft wrote:


>> I will compose another poll if enough people (17) pledge to respond to



>> For ?10 I will print out the poll, sign it and send it to you.*


>> For ?1,000 I will travel to your house and ask you the questions in

>> person.*


>> To pledge simply reply with the message "Pledge."


>> Warm regards,

>> Paul Rangecroft


>> *UK residents only





>Message: 7

>Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 19:09:37 -0400 (EDT)

>From: Wrightdvdw at aol.com

>Subject: Re: [kj] PledgePoll

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Message-ID: <4c45.a1b7e1b.3bb8f7b1 at aol.com>

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


>Heck why not.

>-------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was









>Message: 8

>Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 20:14:19 -0700 (PDT)

>From: sade1 <saulomar1 at yahoo.com>

>Subject: [kj] OT - Literally

>To: REAL the <gathering at misera.net>


><1317525259.93760.YahooMailNeo at web110201.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


>Over time I've noticed books with alarmingly familiar titles, some

>known, some not yet known,










>and, yes,



>and most recently I've seen:





>Is there a secret cabal?[.r4e]?Gatherers in some sort of?"Tri-Literal

>Commission" promoting familiar themes?

>-------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was









>Message: 9

>Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 08:57:48 -0700

>From: folk devil <folk.devil at hotmail.com>

>Subject: Re: [kj] OT - Literally

>To: <gathering at misera.net>

>Message-ID: <BAY152-W5961BA73F67F596AF3E0079DFA0 at phx.gbl>

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"



>I think it just means that Jaz is a bookworm.





>Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 20:14:19 -0700

>From: saulomar1 at yahoo.com

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Subject: [kj] OT - Literally






>Over time I've noticed books with alarmingly familiar titles, some

>known, some not yet known,










>and, yes,



>and most recently I've seen:






>Is there a secret cabal [.r4e] Gatherers in some sort of "Tri-Literal

>Commission" promoting familiar themes?





>_______________________________________________ Gathering mailing list

>Gathering at misera.net


>-------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was









>Message: 10

>Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 18:32:26 +0100

>From: Paul Rangecroft <paul.rangecroft at gmail.com>

>Subject: Re: [kj] OT - Literally

>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"

><gathering at misera.net>


><CAAuMVT8XYHM7h0R_cqc=5OKdyLyT-nx5PYSYuLcA2gbnAgPgvw at mail.gmail.com>

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


>Well the 'Universe B' one is from a jazz (small 'j', two 'z's) album so

>I wouldn't "read" too much into that.


>I've played fruit machines called 'Frenzy' and 'Kings & Queens'. Just



>Behind the illusion of reality are forces that SPEAK TO ME!


>On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 4:14 AM, sade1 <saulomar1 at yahoo.com> wrote:


>> Over time I've noticed books with alarmingly familiar titles, some

>> known, some not yet known,

>> like:








>lias% 3Daps&field-keywords=afterburner&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aafterburner>












>> and, yes,



>> and most recently I've seen:






>> [??]




>> Is there a secret cabal [.r4e] Gatherers in some sort of "Tri-Literal

>> Commission" promoting familiar themes?






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>> Gathering mailing list

>> Gathering at misera.net

>> http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering



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>End of Gathering Digest, Vol 99, Issue 1




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