[kj] New Interview with Jaz Wherein He Discourses at Length on a Variety ...

jpwhkj at aol.com jpwhkj at aol.com
Thu Apr 7 15:56:13 EDT 2011

Someone I know and have come to respect over many long conversations mentioned a speech by Ron Paul that he felt was spot on. I was so surprised that I had to check he was talking about the Republican senator. Anyway, seeing my disbelief, he sent me a link, and I watched the speech. Remarkably, the man was talking a lot of sense. I didn't agree with some of his conclusions - and I was also aware that there were areas where I just didn't know enough to agree or disagree. But he certainly wasn't the loon that I'd always assumed him to be. (I was particularly surprised to hear him say that the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction thing was a lie.)

The moral of this story - for me - is that whether someone is left wing or right wing [or other categories] does not necessarily dictate the validity of their discourse.


-----Original Message-----
From: Devacor at aol.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Sent: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 17:12
Subject: Re: [kj] New Interview with Jaz Wherein He Discourses at Length on a Variety ...

I really don’t see how calling out the federal reserve issue is a "loon" flag or topic- - What are you basing that on? Do you have some other information you would like to share on the subject? It doesn’t have to be ones cup of tea, but it’s a valid topic.

"If the American People knew exactly how the monetary and banking system worked, there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning" Abraham Lincoln.

I’m not nec into glen beck at all (a mainstream alex jones clone that's not worth lumping together with alex jones) and im not so into the delivery of Alex Jones, but to just downplay what Jones say and pigeon hole it as nutter, paranoid, conspiracy etc is well- ill let the quote speak. "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" - albert einstien

but unless you've thoroughly investigated these area and have opposing views based on facts and research on alex jones topics, then that's cool. but all this labeling and pigeonholing seems to be the antithesis of punk rock.

with some of Jaz' and the bands moves early on, they were very young, extremely intelligent, drugs and having ego constantly fed in a rock star fashion. Given this combo it led to some hyper focusing and extreme thinking. It easy to label him a ‘nutter’ after that and even now.

But his general ideology was/is no different then top (ivy league and/or highly educated) top advisors, mentors, persons high up in politics, business leaders, and public figures I know.

To mention the word ‘conspiracy theory’ or theorist’ in regard to a topic or person is the same as like saying ‘the in laws’ – it draws up a certain connotation , but has nothing to do with the actual case to case instance- its an easy way to dismiss things and push things aside that one doesn’t want to take the mental time to investigate- but what is that based on – our ‘left wing box’ , ‘right wing box’, ‘punk box’ , ‘skinhead box’ , ‘old school box’ hipster box’, ‘jock box’ –

So lets try to not throw baby (topics) out with the bathwater ( persons who are relaying the info) and lets try to think outside these boxes…

one of the most intelligent things someone can utter 'hmm, i dunno- I havent looked into that topic deeply enough to have an opinion one way or another..."


In a message dated 4/7/2011 11:28:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, b.oliver.sheppard at gmail.com writes:
Yeah, I know he's a nutter, pretty much. (Oddly likable anyway, for me, though. - I have the Geordie attitude of "What will you do this one?" about him :) )) The "green" stuff isn't new -- permaculture, etc. But he's wed that to the survivalist/gold bug nuttery that is common currency on the US conspiranoid right, right now, thanks in large part to Glenn Beck and Alex Jones. Maybe he's unaware that's the discourse in the States -- insisting on hard currency is basically waving your Ron Paul/Glenn Beck loon flag, here, in line with having a hard on for the Federal Reserve -- but to an ear saturated in current US political arguments, it sounds almost Tea Party-esque, like waiting to demand proof of Obama's birth certificate.


In a message dated 4/7/2011 11:28:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, b.oliver.sheppard at gmail.com writes:
Yeah, I know he's a nutter, pretty much. (Oddly likable anyway, for me, though. - I have the Geordie attitude of "What will you do this one?" about him :) )) The "green" stuff isn't new -- permaculture, etc. But he's wed that to the survivalist/gold bug nuttery that is common currency on the US conspiranoid right, right now, thanks in large part to Glenn Beck and Alex Jones. Maybe he's unaware that's the discourse in the States -- insisting on hard currency is basically waving your Ron Paul/Glenn Beck loon flag, here, in line with having a hard on for the Federal Reserve -- but to an ear saturated in current US political arguments, it sounds almost Tea Party-esque, like waiting to demand proof of Obama's birth certificate.


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