[kj] Charging extra for a set list of our choice

B. Oliver Sheppard b.oliver.sheppard at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 06:45:41 EDT 2011

Lionel Richie, Mariah Carey, and some other big name celebs were hired by,
and performed for, Khadafi's family a few years ago, when the US (under Bush
of all people) was briefly considering Khadafi to be an okay guy:

They were paid millions for the private shows. ("Another Qaddafi son, Seif
al-Islam el-Qaddafi, reportedly paid Carey $1 million to sing four songs at
the previous year's New Year's party, also in St. Barts. ")

On the other hand, did Fugazi ever say folks could pay them some extra $$$
for a setlist of their choice? Not that KJ have ever pretended to be of that
level of, well, integrity. And that's despite the lyrics on Extremities,
which would make one sorta think they did have some pretty strong
convictions in this area. Times change, eh?


On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 4:30 AM, Paul Wady <paulwady at hotmail.com> wrote:



> On the quiet a lot of bands must have done this. We'd probably be shocked

> whose been hired by the really really rich for a few hours entertainment for

> huge amounts of money. Main condition of play - DONT TELL ANYONE.


> Question is, would we do it?



> Anyone know any examples of this?



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