[kj] OT: The Cult alumni

Michael Garcia sandstorm_mg at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 10 18:06:31 EDT 2010

Wow Alex. Nice post. I always loved his bass playing and stage presence


Skype: dragonfly_mg

On Oct 10, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:

> I know they're a bit of a polarizing band here on the Gathering (despite being old touring mates, i believe, of Killing Joke from back in the day), but I was recently motivated to do a bit of research. It seems the The Cult are touring the States yet again. I've seen them live more times than you can do a wavey goth arm dance at, but haven't felt motivated to keep doing so after the last couple of go-arounds. They're still pretty entertaining (and Billy Duffy remains both a great guitar player and once exceptionally nice gent). That said, I'm not sure there's much life in the outfit anymore.


> In any case, I was wondering whatever happened to the band's original bass player, Jamie Stewart. Possibly more renowned for his feathered wideband of hair (circa DREAMTIME/LOVE) than for his sonic contributions, I'll always defend that Stewart had a fairly distinctive sound to his bass (primarily prior to LOVE and everything that came after it).


> Stewart left the fold prior to the justifiably maligned CEREMONY album and never returned. Apart from reading a recipe of his in some rock mag for "dangerously spicy chick peas" and hearing from writer Kris Needs that he'd started a new band called Goat (which I never could verify), he seemed to drop entirely off the map. He never joined the Cult again for any of their umpteen resumptions of duty (I'd hoped he'd have made a cameo circa their LOVE LIVE tour, but alas nay).


> So, I did a bit of Googling. Turns out our Jamie cut his hair, hocked his bass and is now a marketing manager for a computer software company. To wit:


> Jamie has had a colorful career, spending the 80s playing bass and seeing the world with a successful rock band. After coming down to earth, he settled in Canada, spending 4 years as a music producer. In the mid-90s, he caught the computer bug and spent 2 years learning graphic information and user interface design. He joined Sytel in 1998 and has worn a number of technical and design hats since then. The promotional instincts that he developed in the music industry are now being put to excellent use in his new role. In addition to his marketing responsibilities, Jamie is also the art and design guru for all Sytel’s products.



> Check out the site here (complete with picture of the man, now looking like an extra from "Office Space"):


> http://www.sytelco.com/people.htm


> Quite a leap from "83rd Dream" to Sytel Co, but I guess the man's gotta eat.


> Alex in NYC

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