[kj] KJ in Irish Times:

TB planetary at socal.rr.com
Sat Oct 9 19:24:31 EDT 2010

sade1 wrote:

Yeah, funny as that is (and true), but, Jaz lowers the aesthetic bar almost to being an eyesore. Even Grunge had more (j/k) style than Jaz in his boilersuits or his after-dinner chicken-bone shirts. I see it like this for performers: you can make it a point to look GOOD, or a GOOD signature look or style, or just be non-descript, but just don't look bad. And no more warpaint, plskthnks.


He should try wearing a catholic priest's outfit onstage. With the warpaint, he'd look like Father Karras at the end of The Exorcist.


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