[kj] Yet another LLB cover; an ill wind blows, re: the tribute album

Jari Pakarinen jari.t.pakarinen at gmail.com
Mon May 24 02:59:01 EDT 2010


Kotiteollisus is a finnish band. They did a Finnish version of Pandemonium
if recall correctly. This came abut when they met KJ at he Ilosaari festival
backstage last summer.

Kotiteollisuus music is basically slow thug-thug heavy metal with Finnish
lyrics. Not bad, not good in my book.

2010/5/7 Rheinhold Squeegee <kjlist at live.com>

> And it gets worse...


> "Kotiteollisuus has done a track to Killing Joke’s tribute album. There are

> a few other much awaited versions of that British new wave post punk

> anchour... for example Metallica and Foo Fighters... but I’m pretty sure

> that our KT will knock out all others."


> http://www.mikajussila.fi/en#myGallery1-picture(13)


> ------------------------------

> From: kjlist at live.com

> To: gathering at misera.net

> Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 15:17:07 -0500

> Subject: [kj] Yet another LLB cover; an ill wind blows, re: the tribute

> album



> http://www.bravewords.com/news/138322


> While the label would like us to believe that premier names are still

> associated with the project (Foos, Tool, Metallica), giving KJ's arguably

> best-known song to Dead By April does not augur a positive outcome.


> As I mentioned before, this seems more and more to be an attempt by

> Spinefarm to piggy-back their niche artists on a new KJ release.


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