[kj] OTG ???

jpwhkj at aol.com jpwhkj at aol.com
Sat Jan 23 12:07:03 EST 2010

I have to start by disagreeing with my fat northern namesake. The OTG lyrics are the *worst* thing about an album that has a lot of "worsts" in its collection.

That said, I would be intrigued to hear some of the material live. I genuinely like Tiahuanaco, and America has its moments. As Jamie says, with the current line-up...

Thin Southern Jamie

-----Original Message-----
From: fatpotanga <fatpotanga at gmail.com>
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 8:51
Subject: Re: [kj] OTG ???

I've always thought that OTG was lyrically rather rich.
ou hit the nail with the 'production & balls' line, but there are some great
ongs buried under the dated production & 'chin-jutting-high-strap' basslines
uch as Obsession & Ends of the Earth.
he opening guitar riff on Stay One Jump Ahead is IMO one of the greatest ever
ritten. It's a real pity that it saw the light of day on THAT album.
've said before that I'd love to hear them play Obsession live (if I recall
arc was of the same opinion?)
magine it played by the current line up with cheesy synths removed it'd be -
or desperate want of a better expression - 'a real air puncher'

n 21 Jan 2010, at 23:11, Alexander Smith wrote:

> During a walk to work earlier this week, my iPod played "Obsession" on a

andom shuffle. Sure, the production is awful and it largely lacks all semblance
f balls, but it isn't all bad. Consider the prescience:

We Build the Tower/Tower Falls Down/All My Dreams Come True (or
omething)/Sweet Jesus & Mohammed/Disputes between the Boys......

Or maybe Jaz was just really high at the time.

Alex in NYC

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athering at misera.net

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