[kj] OT: The Damned (was: Top 50 of 2000-2010)
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 23 07:06:33 EDT 2010
Speaking of ol' Brian James....
Here's me (I'm the gobsmacked schmuck in the blue shirt) sitting with
rock photog Bob Gruen, once-stabbed Blondie roadie Michael Sticca,
Brian James and "Brother" Wayne Kramer. Met these gents at the same
party wherein I first met Raven in 2000. I approached their table
(where they were all hanging out) and asked if I could take their
picture. They said, "Sure, but only if you get in it with us," which I
thought was cool.
Kramer and James were working on the Mad for the Racket project at the
time (which was also going to include Stewart Copeland and Raven, I
believe, but was kinda dead-on-arrival upon release).
Alex in NYC
On Apr 23, 2010, at 6:50 AM, gingoblin at easynet.co.uk wrote:
> At 11:25 22/04/2010 -0500, Oliver wrote:
>> 3. 1978 _Music for Pleasure_ LP, amazing punk rock album/document,
>> yet also wholly written by Bryan James except Dave Vanian gets a
>> "co-writing" song crdit for the song "Your ys" off said LP. At this
>> point most members of The Damned wantd to write their own songs and
>> were sick of James. They broke up and "disowned" this LP thanks to
>> James's dictatorial control.
> I think they disowned the LP because they genuinely didn't like it,
> not because of Brian James. It was the common story of having ages
> to write the first LP, with the second one being a rush and
> therefore lacking in quality. Brian wasn't overly keen on the others
> writing, which perhaps wasn't a problem with the first, but his
> songs just weren't up to standard on the second (in the band's
> opinion... and mine actually!). Also, wanting Syd Barrett to produce
> it ended up with Nick Mason actually doing it, which really wasn't
> what they were looking for. Then add in the personal problems and it
> was a pretty unhappy time for the Damned. The songs aren't that
> great, the production isn't what they wanted, and the band was
> falling apart anyway. I can see why it all adds up to them wanting
> nothing to do with this LP. But yeah, some people really like it!
> But not Vanian, Sensible or Scabies!
> Dave in Edinburgh
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