[kj] Top 50 songs of 2000-2010
Paul Wady
paulwady at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 20 12:51:22 EDT 2010
Alex! Why have you not shared this wonderful record of Rock n Roll banter with us before?
Paul Stanley of Kiss, showing us all how. Thanks for Fugazi & Venom. The art of the Orator. Is there one in existence of Jaz???
> Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:43:43 -0400
> From: vassifer at earthlink.net
> To: gathering at misera.net; gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] Top 50 songs of 2000-2010
> In the very early 90's, I was working for a long-since-vanished music rag called The New York Review of Records. At one point, I called up Dischord, because I knew there was a new Fugazi project on the way. I left a message with someone. About three weeks later, I came home (I was living at home at the time, had only graduated from college the year before) and my Mom says that a very nice, well-spoken young man named Ian had called and they chatted. Basically, MacKaye was finally calling me back. I thought that was damn nice of him, although the notion of him and my Mom chatting on the phone still makes me laugh.
> My Mom also briefly talked with Martin Atkins in a similar circumstance.
> Oh, and Fugazi *DID* have a sense of humor. Witness:
> http://vassifer.blogs.com/alexinnyc/2009/12/sharing-some-laughs-with-fugazi.html
> Alex in NYC
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: "B. Oliver Sheppard" <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>
> >Sent: Apr 20, 2010 12:29 PM
> >To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>
> >Subject: Re: [kj] Top 50 songs of 2000-2010
> >
> >That is also true.
> >
> >As a younger fan boy (well, still am one) I wrote Ian MacKaye letters
> >two times about what certain lyrics meant in their albums, and also why
> >the cassette version of Repeater had this prominent political quotation
> >in the artwork by Spanish existentialist philosopher Jose Ortega y
> >Gassett (!), whereas this quotation does not appear on the vinyl or CD
> >versions of the release's artwork. He responded that a friend of theirs
> >put the quote in the album art, and the band didn't like it, so they
> >took it out from the vinyl and CD versions. I still have that cassette
> >with that quote.
> >
> >Anyway yeah, Ian MacKaye did write me back the two times I tried to
> >think of reasons to write him, fan boy as I was. I quit trying to write
> >him after the second time, as I felt dumb doing it. He as always
> >incredibly nice, though, in the letters.
> >
> >-0liver
> >
> >On 4/20/10 6:02 AM, gingoblin at easynet.co.uk wrote:
> >> I'd go and see 'em again at the drop of a hat though. And ultimate
> >> respect to the way they dealt with "the business". They would always
> >> reply to whatever nonsense you sent them too... very very few bands do
> >> that. I think I'll dig out an album right now actually!
> >>
> >> Dave in Edinburgh
> >>
> >>
> >
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