[kj] Top 50 songs of 2000-2010
Jim Harper
jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Apr 17 09:05:32 EDT 2010
A Perfect Circle were definitely one of those supremely unique beasts- a side-project that actually managed to compete with the 'day job'. Paz was indeed hot, although I could never understand how she could chuck it in to join Billy Corgan. Tool may have been irritating at times, but I could always see the talent at work. I've never got that feeling from anything Corgan's been involved in.
I'm putting together my list at the mo. I've had to breach the one-song-per-band rule repeatedly, just to get close to 50 nominations. Alex's mention of APC reminded me of how much I liked 'Judith' when it came out, so that went in.
--- On Sat, 17/4/10, Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:
Hmmmm.. Well, I might have said they sucked. They do kinda suck, but I
don't hate them. They just took themselves way too seriously, and
Maynard's vocals tend to grate after a while. That all said, they had
the odd decent single.
Meanwhile, apart from Maynard's sartorial/tonsorial shenanigans, A
Perfect Circle refreshingly stripped away all the stuff that put me
off Tool. And "Judith" is just the perfect mix of heavy riffage and
Also, Paz on bass was hot.
Alex in NYC
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