[kj] Top 50 songs of 2000-2010
Alex Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 16 11:48:58 EDT 2010
Likewise -- -I love Oliver. He helped make the Gathering interesting again. We may butt heads every so often, but I have nothin' but respect for that guy. LET'S ALL GET BEERS!!!!
Also, Oliver, it should be noted that Leigh really digs Tears For Fears (as do I). COMMENCE FIGHT!!!!
Alex in NYC
-----Original Message-----
>From: Leigh Newton <angrytomhanks at yahoo.com>
>Sent: Apr 16, 2010 11:44 AM
>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>
>Subject: Re: [kj] Top 50 songs of 2000-2010
>Oliver, Jesus, I swear to God you are 16.
>You think Jay Reatard needs you to come to his rescue? Millions of people champion that guy's music, moreso now that he's dead.
>When you get into your I-am-the-unsung-hero-of-latter-day-punk persona, you sound like a 16-year old gaylord. You like things based on their place in the musical world, not based on how they sound to your ears. I echo Alex's sentiments - Jay Reatard is (was) boring. I never heard one song that made me get why everyone was loosing their shit over him. His shows were fun and he could throw a punch, sure, and his music is fine. Even good sometimes.
>And what, a person has to hear EVERY last piece of an artist's discography before an opinion of their music is allowed to be formed? What a ridiculous thing to suggest. Especially coming from a guy who I'm willing to bet has strong, very-specific opinions of music that you've never heard a note of.
>That being said, I echo Alex's sentiments one more time in that I, too, think you are awesome. Your facebook posts are great and, on here, your name is on a very short list of the posts I'll actually take the time to read. So, don't mistake this post for me being mad or anything. I think you're a cool guy.
> http://www.nightruiner.com
>----- Original Message ----
>From: B. Oliver Sheppard <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>
>To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
>Sent: Fri, April 16, 2010 10:39:03 AM
>Subject: Re: [kj] Top 50 songs of 2000-2010
>In other words, you can't admit you've made a mistake.
>AKA: You've heard every single song this 29 yr old (RIP) guy [Jay Reatard] made via Lost Sounds, his own solo Jay Reatard project, Nervous Patterns, Final Solutions, and other bands, all within the past ten years. No single song - at least, none that could beat out the rockin' My Chemical Romance song you put in your Top 50 of the Last Decade - beats anything he did. Viz.: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz6dKtkxt9Q>
>Oh well. LCD Soundsystem for the win!
>Come on, Alex - you know in 15 years Jay Reatard is gonna matter a lot more than maybe 30% of the bands you put on your list. The guy was a special talent.
>On 4/16/10 9:31 AM, Alex Smith wrote:
>"The songs of Jay Reatard I heard DID NOTHING FOR ME. "
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