[kj] OT: BNP on Question Time

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 23 09:32:06 EDT 2009

Well, Griffin got what he wanted- a chance to go on television and speak to the country, but he failed miserably to get his views across, not least because the majority of them can be easily demolished after 30 seconds of moderately careful thought. He really should stick to addressing his own rallies- they're much less demanding and the lack of debate nicely covers up the fact that he hasn't put a great deal of thought into his views. I'm amused by the offended supporters claiming he was victimized. Right, so he only wants to face the public as long as they don't ask questions about his views. He must have thought he was going on Question Time to discuss the weather. Genius.

--- On Fri, 23/10/09, iPat <pmdavies at gmail.com> wrote:

From: iPat <pmdavies at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [kj] OT: BNP on Question Time
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>
Date: Friday, 23 October, 2009, 13:36

agree to a certain extent, but as he wasnt allowed to finish many of
his answers, the general hostility would throw many a politician.
Later on he came out with stuff and he was more at ease. That is where
people need to challenge, where he feels comfortable and uses his real

Jon Chapman, you have a lot of associates in various nazi/fascist
groups. What did they think?

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Rob Horan <Rob at westwoodassociates.co.uk> wrote:

> What it exposed was Griffin's inability to put his message across as a consummate politician, this was his big chance in the public eye, he looked unsure and frozen by the spotlight - surely he needs to be able to deal with 100 hostile accusors in a television studio....the problem is that BNP support is disaffected working class in high unemployment and multicultural areas and a proportion of them will search for something/one to blame for their woes, the BNP feeds off this of course.


> In the end I thought he was a nonsense, the BNP is a century out of date and his supporters were exposed as fools.....


iPat Davies
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