[kj] Setlist Suggestions for 2010 tour?

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 10 04:05:30 EST 2009

Yep, "Struggle" is one of those amazing tracks that, like "Tabazan," you
know with today's sound systems, etc., would be just viscerally
exhilirating to hear live, chugga-chugga, going at a fast clip, then a
change in dynamics, then back to dugga-dugga rapid punk type stuff.

It's a good blend a gut-punching heavy with some typical unexpected
parts tossed in.



Simon Abinett wrote:

> Struggle is one track i have always wanted them to play live.

> It would be awesome, always thought they should have played that as an

> encore on the extremities tour.


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