[kj] [OT] King Crimson 5.1

Dave Axford daxford at rogers.com
Tue Aug 11 20:49:11 EDT 2009

5.1 could be attributed to Walter Murch, the 'sound designer' on "Apocalypse Now"... To this day, I really love the sound mix of Apocalypse.

If you have 5.1 surround, put on an early KJ disc and play it in the different modes. It sounds like a very different re-mix. The only difference is, IT'S FREE!


5.1 is surround sound. five channels with a subwoofer. Left, center, Right, right rear, left rear, and then the subwoofer. You need a digital surround receiver , and then you need to have a dvd player that has a digital audio connection to the receiver.
Surround sound was more or less started by George Lucas for use in the first Star Wars movie. He was unhappy with the prevailing state of movie sound at the time, and wanted to do better. Although I am not completely sure of this, I think he looked at the existing state of quadraphonic sound and adapted it a little. Quad had 2 speakers in front and two in back, while early surround was left, center, right, and a mono rear channel. When surround sound made the jump to digital, they were able to make 2 rear channels and make them discrete from each other.
for the most part, surround sound is marketed towards the home theater crowd, but is actually a really cool format for music. All you need is people with the talent and imagination to do it. In addition to the KJ dvd, I might also mention that the Kraftwerk DVD
"Minimum Maximum" has an excellent surround mix as well. - Carl P.

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