[kj] Snopes.com new entry on Sarah Palin library book ban
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Wed Sep 10 05:37:27 EDT 2008
ok; why?
To find out more about nature, which is pretty much scientists' brief.
Specifically to prove / disprove big bang theory, find evidence for the
higgs boson (theoretical particle that confers mass) and to find or create
dark energy or matter.
It is intended to re-create conditions that existed one trillionth of a
second after the (theorised) big bang. Which in the scheme of things is
quite a long time after, future particle colliders will have to get to
much higher power levels to go back closer to the theoretical big bang. As
big as the solar system using the same technology, in order to re-create
big bang energy levels.
Side note: yes it's expensive, but so is conducting wars, for example. And
this technology often has unintended benefits. The WWW was invented at
Cern...html and the first browser, Mosaic was developed for scientists to
collaborate through. If you check the small print in whatever browser
you're using you will most likely find Mosaic mentioned...Tim Berners Lee
invented it in the late 80s.
>> The Large Hardon Collider has been turned on...
> The Swiss clearly have too much money.
> That thing is a WMD; if it backfires, it'll be one *ahem* 'black hole' i
> won't want to go into.
> That Large Hardon Provider "..will take scientists to within a split
> second
> of a laboratory recreation of the Big Bang," ..ok; why?
> from the article:
> And full power is probably a year away. "On Wednesday we start small,"
> Dr. "Who" James Gillies said. "today we are only aiming it at Mercury."
> (I prefer the older
> stick-shift model)
> ... ... ... ... ... ...
> [looking at the current state of things]
> 'Save me...
> save me from Tomorrow..
> I don't want to sail in this Ship Of Fools...!'
> --- On Wed, 9/10/08, Brendan <bq at soundgardener.co.nz> wrote:
> From: Brendan <bq at soundgardener.co.nz>
> Subject: Re: [kj] Snopes.com new entry on Sarah Palin library book ban
> To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
> <gathering at misera.net>
> Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 1:07 AM
> Actually if you follow the logic of what I said, technically I AM calling
> Americans thick (a=b and b=c, therefore a=c)...but you know what I mean.
> Otherwise you're too thick to work it out anyway ;)
> PS: The Large Hardon Collider has been turned on and we're all alive! I
> managed to get in a panicwank when someone reminded me it was T minus 10
> mins ;)
>> Correct, religiosity is extremely high in the US and from what I
>> remember
>> it's also correlated with being thick. Can try to dredge the link up
> if
>> anyone is interested.
>> Oh and I'm not calling Americans thick mind, rather religious
>> fundamentalists.
>>>> Outside f many fanatical Mid Easern religious states I cannot
> think of
>>>> a
>>>> place where such an idea would get serious political tracttion.
>>> Almost eerie you say that, cuz the U.S. was recently ranked as the
>>> most
>>> religiously fundamentalist state on Earth, outside of the muslim
> world.
>>> From: "B. Oliver Sheppard"
> <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>
>>> To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
>>> <gathering at misera.net>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 12:10 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [kj] Snopes.com new entry on Sarah Palin library book ban
>>>> It's an embarrassing reflection of American political culture
> that
>>>> Snopes.com also has put up a new entry debunking a
> widely-circulated
>>>> email
>>>> that says Obama literally fits the description of the Anti-Christ
> from
>>>> the
>>>> Bible! That this idea is even seriously entertained is such a poor
>>>> reflection on our country.
>>>> Outside f many fanatical Mid Easern religious states I cannot
> think of
>>>> a
>>>> place where such an idea would get serious political tracttion.
>>>> But, alas, Snopes.com says Obama=anti-Christ rumor is false:
>>>> http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/antichrist.asp
>>>> Haha
>>>> -Oliver
>>>> Karen Weil wrote:
>>>>> *Oliver:*
>>>>> Thanks for sending this. I never really bought into that
> (although it
>>>>> does give one pause that there was even discussion of this
> topic). I
>>>>> still don't think much of this woman, and feel she is not
>>> qualified to be
>>>>> VP, but fair is fair.
>>>>> Can we just hold the election today and get this whole f-ing
> ordeal
>>> over
>>>>> with? ; )
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> k.w.
>>>>> -
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