[kj] ot- palin vote

James Osborne josborn5 at kent.edu
Thu Oct 9 11:48:07 EDT 2008

> Your scenarios below are speculation at this stage. And in terms of the

> troop withdrawals...you're really not going to get a lot of sympathy, from

> me at least, for the mercs. As far as the army...career soldiers get very

> little sympathy from me. The young kids who were indoctrinated in American

> propaganda from birth by society, parents, friends and other family

> members...it's a shame. But it's also a shame that more Iraqi civilians

> have died than any other group, so big picture, well, the USA made it's

> bed..."sleep now in the fire." That's what you get for trusting your govt.

I'm actually 100% convinced of what I previously said. I base this on his
own words. His speech to AIPAC, the debates (both presidential and primary),
media, rallies. I add all this with his backing of private interest groups
and note trends with past presidents in this regard.

> Iran...hasn't happened yet. I don't imagine the US wants another

> disastrous war, with a far stronger and more resolute enemy, it's already

> spread too thin. And the economy is fucked. Bu who knows.

I'm not so sure. Obama keeps talking about the "REAL" terrorists being in
Iran, and escalating the battle in Afghanistan. He also has said he will not
hesitate to use military force against Iran, wtf kind of person who is
supposed to be against war say that?

As for soldiers, don't forget the large amount of soldiers involved in Iraq
Veterans Against the War. These were soldiers with the same conditions you
mentioned, but broke away from that when they realized they were committing
war crimes. Their voices have been isolated from the US media.

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