[kj] (OT) Worst Singers

Darren A. Peace dpeace at bigfoot.com
Sat Nov 15 19:17:55 EST 2008

I have had a lot of pleasure from Laurie Anderson's output, both recorded
and live. "Sweaters", however, has to be listened to in exactly the right
mood. I also love Philip Glass who I know drives some people absolutely
batshit. Once flew to New York for a week of live performances of his film
scores in Brooklyn, which was fantastic.

Beispiel Nummer Zweiundzwanzig.


Hungerford, UK

From: The Exorcist [mailto:killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com]
Sent: 15 November 2008 22:33
To: dpeace at bigfoot.com; A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] (OT) Worst Singers

To me music needs to have a certain appeal which encompasses, talent,skill,
emotion, message, originality, lyrical insight and some
other stuff. To those bands that I don't like they tend to fail in all the
criteria so I see it as utter shit. So I feel the same way about you
when it comes to bands that I dislike and people who enjoy them. I guess I
see it as being empty notes to a tune in repeat or some shit like that.
My explanation is lacking but I think you get the gist.

Speaking of interesting, I also forgot to mention Laurie Anderson she can be
quite a trip in the right mood.

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