[kj] ot: We Want Everyone - Facebook & The New American Right

The Exorcist killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com
Tue Mar 18 08:07:02 EDT 2008

At 04:16 AM 3/18/2008, you wrote:

>fwiw, and lets face(book) it its not a lot, the latest fad is always

>about exploitation somewhere and if we are naive enough to shut our

>eyes then you get what you deserve. I dont need an article in any

>newspaper to tell me that facebook is a pile of shit, perpetuating the

>myth that there is a better way of life through their product.

Fad's do suck.

However, there is nothing wrong with a social networking site.
One of my first cousins got married last year and moved to South Africa.
Being that I don't have thousands of dollars lying around to fly out there I
keep in touch with her via Facebook. She recently had a child and the family
members where all able to see the photos, pass along messages and so on
and so forth. Facebook is a TOOL and can be used for good.

The same goes for Myspace where countless of artists and folks are able to
connect with people and promote their music/work/art that without it they would
never have an audience. How about the mentioning
of Ravens passing RIP on myspace?
I'm sure many people found out about it because
of the postings and tributes there.
If people waste their lives on it, not my issue.
It has it's benefits and is a great tool.
Just like alcohol, a bit of it is good, taken to
excess it will fuck you up and make you an
alcoholic. Does that mean that all alcohol must be banned?

When Wikileaks got banned/blocked recently the
blogosphere went nuts. Facebook had a lot to
do with the spreading of the information about
it. The Internet is all about free flow of communication.
It's something that the Author seems to fail to relate too.

With the recent events going on in Tibet it was
Youtube that made the video's widely available.

I have friends that I hang out with and people at
the local pub that I know. However, there are many ppl. that
I've come across on the Internet that are
marvelous. Some I've met i real life, some not yet. If not for IRC and
other sites I never would have met them.

Tom also penned this article about Email's recently.

Will you stop using the KJ mailing list now? He
seems to be at a disconnect with the Internet
and unable to grasp it's ideas. He moans about
SPAM. I use Spam filters. He talks about working
things out with phonecalls. What happens when
it's long distance and costs you a shitload of money?
He is out of touch and has never learned how to
use and cope with the tools out there.
It's not the fault of technology, it's User Error.

>its not that we are entitled to our own opinion, its the fact that the

>opinion isnt worth a flying fuck especially as opinion is in itself a

>twisted view of what actually is. It may be good that an article be

>there to alert people to the consequences of their actions but it is

>blatently obvious that 'we' feel so impotent that we need to look at

>being part of a community and have some f(r)iends. How can Tibet be

>free while we are ourselves unable to understand it is the soul of the

>world and we sold our soul for the facebook ideal.

Well that is your opinion and according to your own statement it might
not be worth anything. That's not for me to decide. I can only agree or
disagree. If he wanted to go on about the extreme dependency of individuals
on a website, I can relate to that. However going
into who founded it, what they own
what they believe is all utter crap. I assure you
that any product you use can be traced
to some sort of "evil bogeyman".

Who is this "we" that you are talking about ?
You? I think not. Me? I don't think so either.
It is the same old fad chasing mind numbed
individuals who chase everything else. If he
wanted the article to have any meritorious value
he'd have done far better sticking to the
point that a bunch of sheeple out there and glued
to it and need to take a fucking break.

To go on and rant like a raving lunatic about the
owners, their beliefs and money, 9/11, CIA,
right wing conspiracies etc... Well... ppl. will
just view it as a rant and never give it a second thought.

If you go to the Guardian you'll see the following correction.
"The following correction was printed in the Guardian's Corrections
and clarifications column, Wednesday January 16 2008

The US intelligence community's enthusiasm for
hi-tech innovation after 9/11 and the creation
of In-Q-Tel, its venture capital fund, in 1999
were anachronistically linked in the article below.
Since 9/11 happened in 2001 it could not have led
to the setting up of In-Q-Tel two years earlier."

Ahhhhh, so he WAS wrong with something that he
pulled out of his ass. He was merely so obsessed
with the weaving of his global conspiracy that he
grabbed at whatever he can to try and turn it into some
evil hoopla. This is not a typo. This is called
Fact Checking. If he weren't so quick to pull the trigger
he probably would have seen that. As I've stated
before, when the ranting and raving begins any merit that
may be had will be lost, common sense goes out
the window and as you so aptly put it, hot air rises.

(I can't believe that I missed that to begin with. Well actually, I can)

When you delve into the collective "we", well
kindly keep my out of it. If you believe it then say "I". As
many crappers that are out there, there are many
decent folk. I don't paint the world with a broad
brush stroke as easy as that may be.

>What i like about Bracket Press is that they dont do myspace, i know

>that as its often printed on their paper. An independent printers, i

>have several publications that come on all sorts of disguises. This is

>opinion at its best, they are actually fucking doing something, not

>blowing off like a fart under the covers. cheque them out. However it

>doesnt come with a three year warranty and ten friends.

Did they tell you that there is no warranty simply because people
who buy them keep them on shelves for their lovely craftsmanship.
They rarely open the book. :) (sorry, couldn't resist!) However I will
check them out when I have a chance to do so.

>now.... ice or water....sorry, out of coca cola

No lemon and mint?

Ahhh, came across this... at http://idler.co.uk/

Tom at Tapeley

Tom Hodgkinson is giving a talk at Tapeley Park
in North Devon as the guest of North
Devon Active Youth. It’s one of their Reel Indi
film nights, and they are showing The End
of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of
the American Dream, Gregory Greene’s
2004 movie on peak oil. Sponsored by Marshford
Organics. www.myspace.com/northdevonactiveyouth

Wednesday 6 February, Tapeley Park, Nr Instow, North Devon.
7pm, £2 suggested donation
Ironic ehhh?


>On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 2:28 AM, The Exorcist

><killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com> wrote:

> >

> > Or maybe you're what one of my clients likes to call me.

> > A contrarian. :)

> >

> > Some of the people I work with/for have VERY

> different political viewpoints

> > than I do.

> > We discuss it here and there. Sometimes we agree on certain points, many

> > other times not.

> > However we've always understood that each is

> entitled to their own opinion.

> > There isn't

> > much more to it.

> >

> > When an entire collective agrees on one

> thing and there is no dissent, lord

> > (or greater deity

> > of your choosing if any) have mercy on us all.

> >

> > :)

> >

> > Cheers,

> > Me

> >

> >


>Gathering mailing list

>Gathering at misera.net


Regardless of your inferior opinions, I'll always be willing to sit down
and allow any of you to buy me a drink in order for me to elucidate you on
the errors of your ways. Life is too short. Your life, I mean, if you
don't change those opinions. Oh, it's your round. Yeah, bag of crisps
would be great. Salt and vinegar. I'll be on the bog...hey do you have any
stamps? I have to post something.
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